Chapter Sixteen

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"Everything is set up, Danielle and our bambina are on their way back home." I said as I hobbled to the kitchen. I didn't need my crutches so far today, so I was able to move around a lot better.
"Do you think she'll like them?" Y/N asked as she handed me a cup of coffee.
"Sì. She'll love them. But, I do think you and I need to talk about something else." I said as I took a sip.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing bella, it's nothing bad. I want to talk about houses." I sat my cup down and took her hand.
"You want to get another house?" She asked.
"I want a house that is ours. A house with no bad memories in it for our bambina. I want a house that we can make new memories in as a family."
"If you're sure about selling your house..." Y/N trailed off.
"I'm one hundred percent sure. Whatever makes my bambini happy." I leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

The doorbell rang, and Y/N walked out of the kitchen to answer it.
"Hi beautiful! Did you have fun with Aunt Dani?" I heard Y/N ask.
"Yeah." Rory shrugged as she walked into the kitchen.
"Ciao bambina." I smiled at her.
"Hey Mamma." She walked over to me and hugged me tight.
"Hey, can you do me a favor? Will you grab something for me out of my room?" I asked.

Rory nodded and walked off as Y/N and Danielle walked into the kitchen.

We heard Rory squeal excitedly while Ford and Jeff ran into the kitchen.
"You got me puppies!" Rory yelled as she ran after them.
"Sì bambina. They're for you. When you get scared, they'll make you feel better." I smiled as she grabbed them both up and hugged them.
"Thank you Mom! Thank you Mamma! I love them!"
"You're welcome sweet girl. Their names are Ford and Jeff. Ford is the boy, and Jeff is the girl." Y/N said as she handed Danielle a water bottle.
"I love them! Come on Ford! Come on Jeff! Let's go to my room!" She set them down and ran off to her bedroom.
"Wow, she's already feeling comfortable enough to go back into her bedroom." Danielle said with a smile.
"I knew it would work. She just needs a little help." I said as I leaned against the counter.

"Thank you for keeping her last night. Was she okay?"
"Yeah. She woke up a few times crying and she wanted me to sing her back to sleep."
"I really appreciate you keeping her. We're gonna start looking for a new house here soon so hopefully it helps with all this." Y/N sighed and ran her fingers through her hair.
"You're moving?" Danielle asked.
"We want to make new memories in a new house. Get a fresh start. I want us to make memories as a family in a new house." I reached out and took Y/N's hand in mine.

"I'll keep an eye out for a place. I better get going." Danielle went to grab her purse.
"Wait, why don't we call Jaina and Barrett over and have a girls night?" Y/N suggested.
"I think that's a great idea bambina. Danielle, what do you think?"
"Yeah, I could go for a girls night." Danielle gave us a soft smile and set her purse back down.


I stood out on the back porch, watching Rory run around the back yard with Ford and Jeff chasing her.
I heard the back door shut behind me, and turned to see Danielle coming out with two glasses of wine.
"Thank you." I gave her a smile as she handed me my glass.
"Can I talk to you about something?" She asked.
"Sure, what's up?"
"How did you know you liked women?" Danielle asked.
"Um... well, I guess I kinda always knew? I mean, looking back, I'm surprised I didn't find out sooner. I realized when I was in seventh grade when I had a crush on my best friend. But I always tended to gravitate to women more, even as a kid. I definitely wasn't watching 'High School Musical' for Zac Efron." I laughed.
"And your parents? They're not supportive?"
"Not really. My Dad hasn't said much. So I don't know if he's against it or not, but my Mom is definitely against it. She was raised in a church, her Dad was a preacher. I guess I got lucky by not getting the hate inside her."
"Oh..." Danielle trailed off.

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