Chapter Twenty-Eight

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AN: I'm back!


Danielle had just left with Rory, and I stepped outback to smoke a cigarette real quick.

I stood staring out at our backyard, my mind wandering to how this might play out.
I felt arms wrap around me from behind, and I relaxed when I smelled Stefania's perfume.
"Babe, I don't want the smoke in your face."
"I don't care. I just want to hold you."

I put out the cigarette and pushed the ashtray far away, leaning back into her embrace.
"I love you." I whispered.
"I love you bambina. How are you doing up in there?" She tapped my head gently.
"I'm okay. Just wondering how this is gonna play out. They're emotional like I am. Except worse." I chuckled.
"It'll be okay. I think I have an idea on how to relax you."
"Hmm?" I turned my head slightly to look at her.
"I think we should go into our room for a minute for a talk."
"Babe, my Mo- Ashley's here."
"So? I'll put on a movie for her and give her some photo books to look at." Stefania nibbled on my ear gently.
"You need a stress reliever. And I can give you that." Her hands started playing with the top of my pants.
"Uh huh."
"So... sì?"

"Later." I turned and wrapped my arms around her shoulders.
"Tease." She pouted.
"How? I'm wearing sweatpants and a hoodie." I laughed.

"Yes, but you're wearing my hoodie. You know I love it when you wear my clothes."
"Later, you'll get a mind blowing orgasm. I promise." I quickly pecked her lips.
"Now, come on. I wanna talk to Ashley more before my siblings get here." I grabbed her hand and pulled her inside.

We walked into the living room and found Ashley looking at the picture frames we had around.
"Rory really looks like you." She said with a small smile.
"It's weird," Ashley continued. "She looks like Stefania too."
"Her Dad said the same thing." I said as I sat down on the couch.
"Do you want to look through some pictures?" Stefania offered as she grabbed the old picture books that I kept on a shelf.
"Please." Ashley's face lit up as she sat down on the opposite end of the couch.

Stefania sat between us, and we looked through some of the pictures of me when I was a baby.
"I gave you that elephant." Ashley said as she pointed to a picture.
"What? Really?"
"Yeah. I gave all my kids something when they were born." She smiled as Stefania flipped to the next page.
"Was grandma right? Did you have thirteen kids?"
"Ah... yeah."
"Where are they all at?" I asked.
"They're all open adoption, if that's what you're asking. I haven't gotten a letter from any of them in a few years. The kids know my name."
"Oh..." I trailed off.

I was really hoping I could get in contact with some of my siblings.


A few hours later, we heard a knock at the door and I went to answer it.
"Hey guys." I smiled softly at my future sister-in-laws.
"Hey Stefania." Rebecca and Angie both gave me a hug as they walked in.
"Where's uh... where's our Mom?" Angie asked.
"In the living room." I motioned with my head.

"Will you come with us?" Rebecca asked in a small voice. She sounded like a small child.
"Sì, of course." I took her hand in mine and squeezed it gently as we walked into the living room.

Y/N and Ashley turned as we walked into the room.
"Holy fucking shit." Angie gasped.
"Hey girls." Ashley said nervously as she stood.

We all stood in silence for a few minuets. Nobody really knew what to say.

"Guys, come sit down." Y/N finally broke the silence.
I went let go of Rebecca's hand to walk to my fiancé, but she squeezed my hand tighter.
"Come on bella." I whispered.

I led her over to the couch, and sat down next to Y/N.
Angie took the chair and Ashley stood next to the other chair.
"I know you two have lots of questions." Ashley said.
"Yeah. I want to know where the hell you've been the past thirteen years." Angie asked as she leaned forward and rested her elbows on her knees.

Ashley explained everything that she had told me. By the end, all four of them were in tears. Y/N and Rebecca had tight grips on my hands.
"So you just... left?" Rebecca's voice cracked.
"Sweet girl-"

"I was thirteen. Thirteen years old, having to deal with the 'death' of my Mother. Do you know what the kids at school would say to me? They would tell me it was all my fault that you died. They said that you killed yourself to get away from me." Rebecca sobbed out.

I quickly let go of Rebecca's hand and put my arm around her shoulder, pulling her into me.
"I just... this feels like a dream. Or a nightmare. I can't tell." Angie rubbed her face.
"I know I've missed out on your lives the past thirteen years. But I want to be there for the rest of it. Please, girls. I'm so, so sorry that it came to this."

Angie got up and crossed the room, wrapping her arms around her Mom.
"I'm glad you're back." We heard her whisper.

They pulled away from the hug, and Rebecca looked up at her Mom.

"Puoi farlo belline." I whispered. (You can do it pretty.)

Rebecca got up and went to her Mom and hugged her as well as her small bump would let her.

"This went better than I thought." Y/N whispered to me.
"Sì. They just need some support bella." I squeezed my fiancé's hand.

"Has Rory met her yet?" Angie asked.
"Yeah, for a little bit. We had two of our friends pick her up and take her out for a while. We didn't know how all this would go." Y/N said.
"I wanna see my niece." Rebecca pouted.

"We can have Dani and Barrett bring her back, no?" I asked Y/N.
"We can. I can order dinner for all of us. I'll call Dani and Barrett and ask if they want to eat with us." Y/N stood up and walked out of the room to call them.

"Do you two want to stay here tonight instead of driving all the way home?" I asked Rebecca and Angie.
"That's fine with me." Rebecca rubbed her small baby bump.

"They'll be here in about fifteen minutes. What does everyone want to eat?" Y/N asked as she walked back in.
"Chinese please?" Rebecca asked.
"Chinese it is preggo." Y/N laughed.

We sat talking for a little bit, Ashley somewhat participating. It still seemed to be a little awkward for her.

The doorbell rang and I went to answer it.
"Bambina!" I opened my arms and Rory jumped and gave me a hug.
"Hi Mama."

"Did you have fun with your Aunties?"
"Yes! We went to the mall, and Aunt Barrett got one one of those animal rides with me!" Rory said excitedly.
"It wasn't very comfortable." Barrett laughed as her and Danielle walked in.

"Hey munchkin!" Rebecca called out from the living room.
"Aunt Becca!" Rory ran off to greet her.

"How'd it go?" Danielle whispered.
"Better than we thought. Come on, come meet everyone."

I led them into the living room, and sat back down next to Y/N.

"Rebecca, Angie, these are our best friends Barrett and Danielle. Rebecca and Angie are my sisters." Y/N introduced.
They greeted each other and then turned to Ashley.

"This is my biological Mom, Ashley. Ashley, you remember Danielle right?"
"Yes, it's nice to see you again." Ashley gave the two of them a small wave.

"We have some news." Barrett said as she hugged Danielle from behind.
"We're moving in together." Danielle said with a smile.
"That's fantastico!" I exclaimed.
"I'm so happy for you two." Y/N smiled at our two best friends. "Now aren't you glad that we convinced you two to give it a try?"

"Oh shush Y/L/N." Barrett laughed.

"Is everyone on the cast dating?" Angie asked.
"Nah. Just us four. Although, Jaina is seeing someone. She just won't tell us who it is." Y/N shrugged.

"Isn't that weird though? Like, Carina and Maya are married and you two are dating other people?" Rebecca asked.
"Eh not really. We trust each other." I shrugged.
"You guys are better than me. I would get so jealous." Angie asked.
"Oh trust me. I was very jealous in the beginning." Y/N laughed.

"Which is funny, because I'm usually the jealous one in a relationship. My Italian temper comes out." I laughed.

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