Chapter Thirty-Five

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"Really?" I sniffled.
"Yes! You're my Mamma! I wanna be a Spampinato!" Rory exclaimed.
"I'd love that bambina. Come here." I pulled her into a hug with tears streaming down my face.

Everyone started clapping and cheering, wiping their own tears away.

"This was the best surprise ever." I smiled at my daughter.
"We have another surprise Mamma." Rory pulled away.
"Now before Rory says anything, these both were all her idea. She came to me, and told me that this is all she wanted for her birthday."
Y/N said as she wiped her tears away.
"Bambina this is your birthday. Mamma isn't supposed to be getting surprises." I laughed.
"But I want this." She pouted.

"Okay, okay. What is is amore mio?"
"Come on!" She took my hand and drug me out of the living room to the back yard.

I gasped when I saw the backyard decorated in fairy lights, chairs all sat down in rows, an arch was at the back of the yard. Like it was ready for a wedding.

"Is this-"
"Your wedding? Sì bambina."

I turned and gasped when I saw my Papa, sister, and niece standing in the corner of the deck.
"Papa!" I ran over and hugged him.
"Ciao bambina."
"What? How? What?" I asked.
"Y/N bought us tickets. She said she wanted us here for the surprise wedding, and wouldn't take no for an answer." Daniella said as she hugged me.

"You... you did all this? For me?" I turned to my fiancé.
"Well... it was Rory's idea. But, I didn't say no. I want to marry you Stef. I can't wait any longer." She took my hands.
"It looks like we're getting married today." I laughed.
"Now, go get dressed. Your dress is in Rory's room." She leaned and kissed my cheek.

"Come on Stefania. Let's get you married." Vittoria took my hand and drug me inside.


"Y/N, are you almost ready?" I heard Rebecca ask through the door.
"Coming." I took a deep breath and smoothed out my dress.
I walked to the door and opened it.

"Wow, you look beautiful." My little sister looked at me with tears in her eyes.
"Don't be getting all sappy on me." I sniffled as I hugged her.

"Pregnancy hormones. Now, come on. Let's go. Your soon to be wife is waiting on you." She took my hand and led me to the back door.

I heard the music start playing, and my breath got caught in my throat when I saw Stefania walking down the isle with her Dad.
"God, she looks beautiful." I whispered.
"Go on, your daughter is waiting for you." She nudged me gently.

I walked out onto the deck, and Stefania turned and smiled when she saw me walking down the isle holding Rory's hand.
Rory led me to Stefania, and hugged us both before skipping off to sit with Jaina.

I grabbed her hands, and squeezed them gently.
"I love you."
"I love you too bambina."

"We're gathered here today, to see these two women commit to each other for life." Oak started.
"Now, I've known Stefania for a while now. But, I've never seen her as happy as I have when she's with Y/N, and their children. I'm honored, that Y/N asked me to get ordained to start the rest of their forever. Do you two have any vows to say to each other?"

"I love you. And I choose you. You're my best friend. I can't imagine my life without you." My voice cracked.
"I love you bambina. You, and our children, are the best things that have ever happened to me. I'm so thankful that we're together, and that we'll be together for the rest of our lives."

"Now, Stefania. Do you-"

"I do." Stefania interrupted.
"I do too." I laughed out.

"Well, then by the power vested in me by the internet and the state of California, I now pronounce you Wife and Wife."

We stood there for a moment, just staring at each other.

"Kiss her!" Grey shouted.

We laughed and I pulled her close, pressing my lips against hers as everyone clapped.

We broke apart, and I took her hand and we walked back down the isle. This time, as wife and wife.

"I can't believe our bambina wanted us to get married for her birthday." Stefania laughed.
"She said she wanted her Mamma to be her Mamma forever." I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"I'll always be her Mamma. Forever and always."


"Bye bambina! Be a good girl for your Nonno!" I called as Rory got into Robert's car.

"Alright ladies! Who wants tequila!" Jaina cheered as I shut the door.
"Tequila for the Mrs. and Mrs." She said as she handed me a shot.
"Jaina, we still have Xander here. I can't be drinking." I shook my head and handed her the shot back.
"No you don't. I'm on baby duty tonight." Rebecca snagged the tequila from Jaina and put it back in my hand.
"Rebecca you don't have to-"
"Look, I haven't gotten to spend much time with my new nephew. Please, let me do this. You just got married to my sister. You're my sister now too. I want you and Y/N to enjoy your night."
"Grazie Rebecca." I hugged her gently and smiled at her.
"Now, take that shot." Rebecca laughed.

"Did I hear shots?" Angie peeked her head from around the corner.
"Come on and take shots with us!" Jaina waved her over as she poured another one.
"To Y/N and Stefania. May you have a wonderful life, and amazing sex for the rest of your lives." Jaina said as the three of us clinked our shot glasses together.

I winced as I felt the liquid sting my throat.

"Where's my wife?" I asked.
"Out front saying goodbye to your Dad, sister, and niece. They're staying at a hotel tonight." Barrett said as she came over.

I walked outside, and over to my family who was gathered around a car.
"You three can stay here. You don't have to go to a hotel." Y/N was saying.
"We'll be back tomorrow, bambina. We want you to enjoy your night." My Papa told her.
"Are you sure? We have the space." I asked as I reached and took Y/N's hand.
"Sì, enjoy your new wife. I love you both very much. My daughters." My Papa smiled at both of us as he pulled us into a hug.

"Goodbye Papa! Bye Daniella! Bye Vittoria!"
Y/N called as they got in their car and drove off.
"You, are incredible." I wrapped my arms around my wife's waist and pulled her close.
"Nah, that's you." She smiled and kissed my nose.
"You planned all this, for me. You got my family in the states. You, are the best wife ever."
"I'll never get tired of you saying that." She smiled and pressed her lips against mine.

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