Chapter Fifty-Three

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"Okay, kids are dressed and waiting, are you ready?" I asked as I walked into the bedroom.
"Yeah. I just hope this meeting goes well." Stefania sighed and ran her fingers through her hair.
"One way or another it will." I kissed her cheek as the doorbell rang.

"Good morning! Are you ready?" I heard Jay ask Luna.
"Hey, thanks for letting her hang out with you today. I don't know how long this meeting is gonna go." I hugged him as Luna grabbed her bag.
"Hey Lu, I need your phone. I gotta show the principal the messages." I held out my hand and she handed it over to me.
"We're gonna have so much fun. We'll get sushi and go shopping, total niece and guncle day."
"What's a guncle?" Rory asked.
"A gay uncle." He snapped his fingers and my two girls laughed.
"I want a guncle and niece day." Rory pouted.
"How about Saturday? Just me and you kid?"
"Yes!" Rory jumped up and down.

"Alright kiddo. Let's get you to school." I ruffled Rory's hair as Stefania walked into the hallway.

"Have fun with Uncle Jay bambina. We'll pick you up later." She kissed the top of her head.

An hour later, we were sitting in the waiting room of the principal's office waiting for her.
"I'm nervous. Are you nervous?" Stefania asked as she bounced her leg up and down.
"There's no reason to be baby. If they don't come to a resolution, we'll pull her out. Simple as that. I'm half tempted to pull her out anyway. She's smart enough, we can put her back in home school."

"Mrs. and Mrs. Spampinato? I'm so sorry to keep you waiting. It's been an eventful morning to say the least." The principal said as she walked up.
"It's no problem Mrs. Newman." I stood up and shook her hand.
"Please, come into my office."

We followed her, and sat down in the chairs opposite of her desk.
"So, I hear there's been some issues regarding Luna and some of the other kids?"
"Sì. These kids... they're saying terrible things to our daughter. Telling her to kill herself, and that she's trash, and how we don't love her... and it's really affecting Luna's mental health. We want our bambina to be happy and safe, and she is neither happy or safe in this school."
"I see that there has been multiple reports of students taunting her and pushing Luna-"
"Did you say pushing? Why weren't we told?" I interrupted.
"We didn't think it was necessary, she wasn't injured and-"
"Our daughter was assaulted and you didn't think it was necessary to tell us?" Stefania spat. I put my hand on her's and squeezed tightly to let her know to calm down a little bit.
"I do apologize for that. We thought it was just school yard stuff. We have a zero tolerance policy for bullying here."
"Obviously not. These children are telling our child to kill herself. California Penal Code Section 401: Assisting, Advising, or Encouraging a Suicide. This code makes it illegal for a person to aid, advise, or encourage a person to commit suicide. If someone is convicted of this crime, the maximum penalty is three years in state prison and fines of as much as ten thousand dollars."

"Ma'am I understand you're frustrated-"
"Oh I'm not just frustrated. I'm furious. You are letting these brats with no home training run around and act however they want with no repercussions. And they know this. You know what? Screw this. We'll be taking our daughters out of this school immediately and I'll also be speaking to the police and the board of education. This is a serious issue. Do you know how many children a year commit suicide? Almost one hundred thousand. And I refuse to let our child feel like suicide is the only answer to this problem. Send over Luna's and Rory's paper work to our email immediately. Good day Mrs. Newman." I stood up and stormed out of the principal's office, Stefania following close behind me.

We got to the car and I got in the passenger seat, letting out the breath I didn't know that I was holding.
"Bambina?" Stefania whispered.
"I'm fine. I'm good. I'm just so fucking pissed right now. How can that bitch just sit there and say they have a zero tolerance policy for bullying? Fuck that." I huffed as I put my seatbelt on.
"Hey, you need to breathe. The stress isn't good for the babies. Look at me." She grabbed my face and made me face her. "Breathe, bella."

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, resting my forehead against her's.
"Good. Good. Are you okay?"
"I'm okay. I'm just pissed. How could they not tell us what was going on." I sighed.
"It'll be okay bella. We're taking the kids out of school. They only have a few months left until the end of the year anyway."
"Yeah. I just hate taking them away from their friends."
"But we're protecting them. That's all that matters." She kissed my cheek then sat back in her seat.

We drove back to our house in silence, neither of us really knowing what to say.

"You know, that was very hot. You standing up for our girls like that." Stefania smirked as she put the car in park.
"Really." I flashed her a smile as I unbuckled my seatbelt.

"Mmhmm. I almost wanted to take you in the parking lot right then and there." She leaned over and cupped my face, pressing a gentle kiss on my lips.
"Well, we are kid free right now..." I trailed off.

I couldn't remember the last time we actually had uninterrupted sex. Between the kids, and Jaina, and the two babies playing kickball with my bladder, we haven't had the time.

I leaned down and pushed her seat all the way back, and straddled her lap as well as I could with my belly.
"We haven't ever done this." I whispered as I tangled my hands in her hair.
"We've never had the chance." She peppered light kisses on my neck.

I unbuttoned her jeans, and quickly slid my hand down her pants, not giving her a second to react.
"Oh, bambina." Stefania breathed out.
"I love fucking you." I whispered into her ear as I gently slid my fingers inside.

I gasped as I felt her hand slide into my leggings and find my swollen clit.
"Stefania." I groaned as I picked up the pace, pumping my fingers in and out.
"I want to cum with you, Y/N." Stefania whimpered. I could tell she was close from the way her walls were tightening around my fingers.
"I'm close baby." I bit her neck, sucking on her pulse point.

"Fuck, Y/N!" Stefania screamed as she came hard. I came right behind her, biting her neck to keep my cries silent.

I pulled my fingers out, and held them up to her mouth. Stefania opened her mouth, taking my two fingers in her mouth sucking gently while keeping eye contact.
"Fuck. How did I get so lucky to have you?" I pressed my lips against her's gently.
"I'm the lucky one." Stefania smiled as she grabbed my hips, pulling me closer.

"I love you, Stefania."
"I love you too Y/N."

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