Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Aurora! Come on! It's time to go trick or treating!" I called up the stairs.
"Are you ready babe?" I asked Stefania as I peeked my head into the bedroom.
"Yep. What do you think?" She turned and smiled at me and I let out a laugh.

"Hey! I thought it was cute." She pouted.
"You're cute in anything you put on baby." I walked over to her and kissed her gently.
"But why are you a dog?"
"Not just any dog. A Dalmatian."
"I'm ready Mom!"

I turned and smiled at my daughter.
"Look at you! Miss fire fighter!" I gushed as I walked over to her.
"I'm you Mom!" She said with a huge smile.
"You look fantastic baby girl. Let's go out front so I can take pictures of you and your dalmation Mamma." I leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

We walked outside as Danielle, Barrett, and Jaina were walking up the drive way.
"Aunties!" Rory ran and hugged all three of them.
"Look at you! You look amazing mija!" Jaina exclaimed.
"I'm Mom!" She smiled at them before she ran back to Stefania and me.
"Get with your Mamma. Say, 'Cheese'!"
"Cheese!" They both smiled.

"Give me your phone and go get in the picture." Danielle held out her hand.

"Thank you." I handed her my phone, and walked to my girls.
"Say 'Cheese' everybody!"

We all smiled and Rory jumped up from her spot and went to her Aunts.
"She looks so adorable." I whispered to Stefania as I scooted closer to her.
"She really does. She picked a good outfit." Stefania reached over and grabbed my hand.
"You look adorable too, amore mio." I smiled at her.
"You should see what I have on underneath this onesie." Stefania winked.
"Trick? Or treat?"
"Definitely a treat." She smirked as she closed the distance between us and gave me a kiss.

"Ewww! Mom! Mamma!" Rory cried out.
"You'll understand one day bambina. But not until you're fifty." Stefania joked as we walked over to her.
"Come on! Let's go! I wanna get the big candy bars!" Rory took Danielle's hand and drug her ahead of everyone.
"I love that she knows who to bribe with candy." Barrett laughed.

"How's everything between you two?" I asked.
"Great. Really good. Really, really good actually." Barrett smiled at the blonde ahead of us.
"Look at Barrett. All in love." Jaina teased.
"So, who have you been getting some from? Cause you're never in this good of a mood for this long." Barrett shot back.
"I think I hear Rory calling my name." Jaina sped up and caught up with Danielle and Rory.

I laid Rory down in her bed, and kissed the top of her head gently.
"Goodnight baby girl. I love you." I whispered as I walked out and shut the door.
"I think she had fun." Stefania smiled at me as I walked into the kitchen.
"Oh she definitely did." I took the glass of wine that she offered me.
"Did you have fun?" I asked.
"That was the most fun I've had on Halloween in forever, bambina." Stefania set her glass down and wrapped her arms around me.

"So... what's that treat you were telling me about?" I whispered as I slowly slid down the zipper of the onesie she was wearing.
"Follow me and find out." She took my hand and led me to the bedroom.

I laid in our bed, staring at the ceiling. I knew I was going to have to make that call soon.

"What's on your mind bella?" Stefania muttered against my skin.
"Good morning beautiful." I turned to face my beautiful fiancé, staring into her brown eyes.
"Good morning. I see the wheels running in your brain."
"Wheels turning." I smiled and kissed her gently.
"What's bothering you?"

"I know I'm gonna have to call Becca, Ang, and Dad soon. I'm gonna have to tell them. And I'm going to have to tell Rory that her- whatever. Is alive." I sighed as I cuddled more into her body.

"You don't have to do it alone. I'll be right there next to you." She gently squeezed my hand.
"How do I tell my siblings that our Mom is alive?"
"I honestly have no idea bambina. But they deserve to know." She gently kissed my head and got out of bed.
"Nooo, come back." I whined.
"I'm going to make breakfast for us and our bambina. I'm starving. You wore me out last night." Stefania winked and walked out of the bedroom.

I sighed and rolled to grab my phone, sending a text to the group chat for everyone to call me whenever they can.

I got up and pulled a sweatshirt over my head, and walked to the kitchen.
"That French toast smells almost as good as you." I whispered in Stefania's ear as I hugged her from behind.

There was a knock on the door, and I reluctantly let go of my fiancé and went to answer it.

"Ashley? What are you doing here?"
"I came to drop off Rory some Halloween candy." She held up a bag.
"You can't just show up at my house unannounced." I sighed and rubbed my face.
"I'm sorry. Here, take the candy and I'll be on my way-"

I turned and saw Rory standing close behind me.
"Hey sweetie. Go into the kitchen with your Mamma. She's making French toast." I gave my girl a fake smile.
"Who are you?" Rory asked Ashley.

"This is just someone that I know honey. Go get breakfast." I nodded my head towards the kitchen and Rory left the hallway.
"You can't just show up here." I said as I shut the door behind me.
"I'm sorry. I was just-"
"My daughter is going to have a million questions about who you are."

"Maybe you could tell her? Or we could?" Ashley asked in a small voice.
"I haven't even told Becca and Ang yet. You want me to tell my eight year old daughter that her dead grandma is alive?"

"Bambina? Your sisters have called you five times and they've called me three times." Stefania stuck her head out the door.
"Just- Ashley just come in." I sighed as I turned and walked inside.

"Aurora. I want you to meet someone." I said as the three of us walked into the kitchen.
Rory turned in her chair and studied Ashley.

"This... This is my biological Mom. Ashley." I said slowly as I sat next to my daughter.
"I thought she was in heaven?" Rory asked.
"It's a long story honey. And I promise I'll explain when you're older." I took her hands.

"Does that mean she's my grandma?"
"Bambina! Why don't you go finish breakfast in your bedroom. You can even turn on a movie." Stefania suggested.
"Okay!" Rory grabbed her plate and quickly went to her room.

"Now I gotta deal with them." I sighed as my phone rang with another FaceTime call.

I picked it up and answered it.
"What's up hoe?" Angela asked.
"Ang what did I tell you about calling me a hoe?" I sighed.
"To not to?"  She shrugged.

"I need to talk to you guys."
"What's wrong?" Rebecca asked.
"It's about Mom."
"Okay?" Rebecca looked at me funny.
"She's alive."

"Ha, okay Y/N. Halloween was yesterday. I'm not falling for the pranks." Angela laughed.
I motioned for Ashley to walk over, and she stood behind me.
"Hi girls."

Their mouths dropped, and the four of us sat in silence for a minute.
"How- I thought- what?" Rebecca stuttered out.
"We'll be on our way there in ten." Angela said as she hung up.
Rebecca hung up too, leaving me starting at a blank screen.
"Fuck. This is going to be lovely." I put my head in my hands.
"Do you want me to see if Danielle and Barrett can take the bambina out for a while?" Stefania offered.
"Please. I have a feeling there's going to be lots of emotions flying around."

AN: Just a heads up! I won't be posting at all this weekend. I'm getting married and I want to spend the whole weekend with my lovely husband. Thank you all so much for the support! I'll post as early as I can on Monday morning. Have a great weekend!

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