Chapter Nine

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I woke up tangled in Stefania's arms, hearing someone banging on the front door.
I groaned and got out of bed as quietly as I could, throwing on a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

I walked to the front door, and opened it.
"Guys? What are you doing here?" I asked as Jaina, Barrett, and Danielle stood in front of me smiling.
"It's your first episode day! We've come to watch it." Jaina said as they walked in.
"You realize it's nine in the morning, we have eleven hours till it starts on the east coast."
"Okay, we missed Rory. We've been dying to see her."
"She should be awake soon. She usually wakes up between nine and ten." I yawned as I started the coffee.
"Bambina? Where did you go? Come back to bed until Rory wakes up." Stefania called out before she walked into the kitchen.
"Good morning sleeping beauty." Barrett laughed.
"Why are you all here so early?" Stefania asked as she reached around me and took a sip of my coffee.
"They missed Rory." I smiled as I leaned into her.
"You two are so cute. When are you making it official?" Jaina asked.
"Ah... we made it official last night." Stefania smiled down at me.
The girls squealed and congratulated us.
"But, don't say anything in front of Rory. We haven't talked to her yet." I said quickly.

We sat there talking for a while, Stefania and I stealing kisses where we could before Rory woke up.
"Mom? Rory walked into the kitchen rubbing her eyes.
"Mija!" Jaina exclaimed.
"Tìa Jaina!" Rory ran and gave her a huge hug.
"What are we? Chopped liver?" Barrett pouted.
"Hey! I'm the one who brought you a surprise!" Danielle told Rory.
"A surprise?" Rory peeked her head around Jaina's shoulder.
"Yeah! Look what Auntie Dani got you." She pulled out a Station 19 shirt out of her bag.
"Cool! Now I can match all of you!" Rory exclaimed.
"Thank you Auntie Dani." Rory reached over and gave her a hug.
"Come on man, what do I gotta do to get a hug around here." Barrett pouted again.
"Bambina, give your Aunt Barrett a hug before she cries." Stefania joked.

Rory went to Barrett and hugged her tight.
"Are you hungry baby girl? You want some fruit?" I asked.
She shook her head no and sat down at the counter.
"You want French toast again?" Stefania asked.
"Yes please. Can I help?" Rory asked.
"Of course. Come on bella." Stefania started to get the stuff out for breakfast.

"Did you sleep good?" I asked as I ran my fingers through her messy hair.
Rory pulled away from me, and I realized she was still upset about yesterday.

"Hey Rory? Can I talk to you for a minuet?"
"I'm helping Stef."
"It'll only take a minuet. Stefania won't start without you." I held out my hand, and she took it.
I led her to her bedroom and sat down on the bed.
"Are you still upset about yesterday?"
"I want my Dad." She crossed her arms over her chest.
"Baby girl, we've been over this. Your Dad is very busy right now."
"He's never too busy for me. He said so!" She shouted as she stomped her foot.
"Hey. You don't get to talk to me like that. I understand you're upset, but I'm still your Mom."
"I don't care. I don't want you! I want my Dad!"
"You can't have your Dad right now sweetie." I reached out and tried to take her hand, but she smacked my hand away.
"Alright. Listen here little girl. You can be upset all you want, but what you're not going to do is disrespect me. You sit your butt in this room, and I'll come get you when breakfast is ready since you want to be mean." I stood up and walked to the door as she threw herself on her bed crying.
"I want my Dad! I don't want you!" She cried as I shut the door behind me.

I looked up and everyone was trying to pretend they didn't hear mine and Rory's conversation, but it was obvious.
"Excuse me. I'll be right back." I reached and grabbed my cigarettes out of my purse, and walked to the back deck.

As soon as I lit a cigarette, I heard the back door open.
"Hey, you okay?" Barrett asked.
"Yep. I know you four heard all that." I sighed.
"I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do to help?" She sat down next to me.
"Is there a way to erase the memory of her Dad from her mind?" I chuckled.
"You don't wanna do that." Barrett shook her head.
"No. I don't. But this is getting hard. I don't know how much more I can take."
"Why don't you let me take her for a night? Give you and Stef a break?"
"I couldn't ask you to do that." I sighed.
"You're not asking. I'm offering. Come on, I wanna spend more time with my niece."
"Okay, okay. But promise me if she gets to be too much then you call me, okay?"
"Deal. Can I take her tonight?"
"Sure." I put out my cigarette and we walked back inside.

"The bambina has her plate in her room." Stefania told me as she handed me a plate.
"You let her eat in her room?" I asked.
"It's not a big deal. If she makes a mess, her and I will clean it up." Stefania shrugged.
"Barrett is taking Rory tonight. I gotta start getting her school stuff tomorrow. School starts in a month." I placed my head in my hands as I sighed.
"I'll help bambina. It'll be okay." Stefania rubbed my back gently.

"Thank you. You're the best." I reached down and took her hand.
"Dani, can you send me the number for your therapist? I think it'll help Rory."
"You got it." Danielle immediately went on her phone and text me the details.

We heard a knock on the door, and Barrett went to answer it.
"Oak in the house!" He shouted as he, Jay, Grey, Jason, and Boris walked in the house.
"Did you all come to watch the episode?" I asked.
"We wouldn't miss it!" Oak picked me up in a crushing hug.

Rory came out of her room and put her plate in the sink.
"Mom, can I come out now?" She turned and asked me.
"Are you gonna be nice?"
"Yes." She nodded.
"Okay. Go say hi to your Uncles." I ruffled her hair.
"Hey munchkin!" Oak held his arms out and she ran and jumped in them, giving him a hug.
"Hi Uncle Oak."
"Are you still tired Mija?" Jaina asked.
"A little."
"Why don't you go take a nap bambina? And you can help me make lunch when you get up."

Rory nodded and got down from Oak's arms, and walked to her room.
"What's up with her? She's acting different." Grey asked.
"She's having a hard time with the divorce." I told him.
"Well I mean it's understandable. It's hard on kids that age." Jason said.
"I know. If only she was old enough to know the truth." I sighed.
"Want me to kick his ass again?" Oak whispered.
"Again? What the hell do you mean again?" Danielle asked.
"Tyler came up to the studio acting like an ass. Accused me of sleeping with Oak." I told her.
"And then Oak kicked his ass." Grey clapped him on the shoulder.
"Okay guys. Let's drop that conversation." Stefania interrupted when she saw the look on my face.

"Let's binge watch the last few episode before this one starts." Stefania continued.
Everyone made their way into the living room, and I grabbed Stefania's hand.
"Thank you." I whispered.
"Always." She leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my lips.

"Mom? Aunt Stef?"

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