Chapter Forty-Six

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Christmas Morning

I woke up to a familiar feeling building up in the pit of my stomach.
"Good morning." I whispered out as my hands tangled in Stefania's hair.
She looked up from her spot between my legs with a smirk, "Good morning bella. Merry Christmas."

"Okay, are the eggs done?" I asked as I hurried around the kitchen trying to finish breakfast for everyone.
"Sì bella. Calm down, everything looks great."
"This is our first Christmas together, and everyone is coming over in a little bit. I want to make sure everything is perfect."
"You would think after your wake up call you'd be more relaxed." Stefania wrapped her arms around me from behind.
"I am relaxed. I just-"
"Want it to be perfect." Stefania finished.
"It'll be perfect, because we're all together. We have our three wonderful kids under the same roof, our friends are coming over to celebrate with us, and we have each other." She gently kissed my cheek.
"I love you."
"I love you most bambina. Now, go sit in the living room and wait for our children to wake up. I'll finish up in here."
"Nope. No buts. Go." Stefania tapped my hip and sent me off to the living room.

I sighed as I sat down on the couch and pulled put my phone. I had a couple text messages from our family group chat wishing us a merry Christmas. I quickly sent back a message, and tossed my phone on the couch.

"Alright bella. I want to give you one of your gifts before the bambini wake up." Stefania said as she walked into the living room.
"You didn't have to get me anything Stef." I smiled at her as she pulled a small box from underneath the tree.
"I wanted to. Here you go. Merry Christmas amore mio." She handed me the box and sat down next to me.

I unwrapped the box, and opened it. I gasped when I saw the necklace inside.
"Stef! I love it!" I pulled it out of the box and held it up to see it shine.
"It's got the kid's birthstones in it. And room to add one more in the future." She gave me a shy smile.
"Is this you telling me you want another kid?" I laughed quietly.
"Sì... I was thinking maybe we could do it the oldest fashion way?"
"I don't think you can get me pregnant." I nudged her gently.
"No, bambina. I was thinking maybe we could try IVF... if you want to carry I mean. We don't have to have another bambini I was just-"

I silenced her by pressing my lips against her's.
"Yes. I'd love to have another baby." I whispered against her lips.
"Just one more. I don't think we can handle more than four kids."
"We're gonna have a baby." She whispered.

There was a knock at the door, and I gave her another quick kiss before getting up to answer it.

"Hey! Merry Christmas!" I exclaimed as Danielle and Barrett walked in.
"Merry Christmas!" They both gave me a hug and we walked into the living room.
"Ciao! Merry Christmas!" Stefania waved as I sat next to her.
"Help me put this on love." I handed her the necklace.
"Are the kids not up yet?" Barrett asked.
"No, we're going to wake them up here soon." I settled back into the couch playing with my necklace.

"Well, before they wake up. We have some news." Barrett smiled at Danielle.
"We're engaged!" Danielle held out her hand and showed off her ring.
"Oh my God!"

We got up and hugged them both.
"We have one more thing to celebrate." Danielle looked at Barrett.
"You want to tell them now?"
"Here. Merry Christmas." Danielle handed us two bags.

We opened the gifts and I gasped when I pulled out the onesie that said 'I love my Auntie Y/N.'
"You're having a baby!" I exclaimed.
"Mamma Mia! This is amazing!"

"Which one of you is pregnant?" I asked.
"Danielle. She's six weeks." Barrett wrapped her arm around her fiancé.
"Oh my God I'm so happy for you both! I can't wait to see the little nugget get here."
We all sat back down and talked for a while while we waited for the kids to wake up.

"Mom?" Luna walked into the living room rubbing her eyes.
"Good morning sweet girl! Merry Christmas!" I wrapped my arms around her as she sat down on the couch and kissed the top of her head.
"Merry Christmas." She yawned and snuggled into me.
"Did you sleep good bambina?"
"Rory kept waking me up asking if Santa had came yet." She smiled softly.
"I'm sorry Lu. You should've woke us up."
"No, it's fine. I like being able to be woken up by her."

"I'm gonna go wake Xander and Rory up so we can get started on presents." Stefania stood up and walked out of the room.
"Did you like your necklace?" Luna asked as she played with it.
"You knew?"
"I helped Mamma pick it out. She was freaking out because she wanted it to be perfect. She almost bought five of them so you could pick which one you liked best."

I let out a little chuckle. That was definitely my wife.

"Say 'Merry Christmas!'" Stefania cheered as she walked in with Xander on one hip and Rory on the other.
"Aunties!" Rory wiggled out of Stefania's arms and ran over to Barrett and Danielle.
"Merry Christmas munchkin!"
"Santa came!" She bounced up and down with excitement.
"Sì bambina. Why don't you three go ahead and start opening your presents? The rest of your Aunts and Uncles should be here soon."

Stefania helped Xander open all his gifts, while Luna and Rory opened theirs. I stayed on the couch and took pictures of them.

"Mom! Look! Santa brought me the easel I asked for! Now I can paint like Mamma does!" Rory exclaimed.
"That's great honey! Lu, did you open your gift from Santa yet?"

Luna opened her box, and pulled out a camera.
"Santa brought me a camera! That's awesome! Thanks Santa!"

"Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!" Santa Claus cheered as he walked in.
"SANTA!" Rory screamed and ran to hug him.
"Look bubba! It's Santa!" Luna took Xander from Stefania's arms and walked him over to Santa.

"We did good bambina." Stefania came and hugged me from behind as I took pictures of our three kids with Santa.
"I can't wait to add another one to the group next year." I turned and smiled at her.
"Mom! Mamma! You're under the mistletoe!" Rory said excitedly.

"Looks like we are." I smiled shyly.
"Merry Christmas bambina." Stefania whispered.
"Merry Christmas my love."


"God, that costume was itchy. I swear I can still feel the beard." Jay complained as he scratched his neck.
"Yeah, but did you see the looks on the kid's faces? So worth it." Barrett smiled at the kids playing in the corner with their toys.
"While everyone is here. We have an announcement." Danielle took Barrett's hand and squeezed it.
"We're getting married!" Barrett held up Danielle's hand and showed off the ring proudly.

Everyone cheered and congratulated them.

"Time for presents for the adults!" Barrett said as she handed all our friend's their gifts.
"What about Y/N and Stefania?" Jaina asked.
"We opened ours earlier." I said as I took out my phone to discreetly record their reactions.
"You're kidding!" Grey exclaimed as he pulled out the onesie.
"I'm gonna be a Tìa again!" Jaina did a little dance.

"You're having a baby?" Luna asked Danielle and Barrett.
"Sì bambina. Auntie Danielle is pregnant." I told her with a smile on my face.
"Yes! I finally get a little cousin!" Luna hugged both her Aunt's.

"I can't wait for that to be us." I whispered as I hugged Y/N. We stood away from the crowd of our friends and family and watched everyone.
"So, how do you wanna do it?" She asked.
"What do you mean?"
"Like, can you produce eggs? Do you wanna use your egg and I carry?"
"We can make an appointment to go talk to a specialist and check everything out. I'm thirty-nine, it might be harder for me to produce an egg at this age. Especially with all the other problems I have. You're only twenty-nine, it'll be easier for you."
"If you can't, we'll find an Italian donor. So our baby will look like you too." She reached up and kissed my cheek.
"Te amo bambina."
"I love you too."

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