Chapter Thirty-One

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Three weeks later

"Bambina! Your sisters are here!" Stefania called from the front door.
"Hey guys! Happy Thanksgiving!" I said cheerfully as I stirred the pot of macaroni and cheese.
"Happy Thanksgiving. Where's my niece and nephew?" Rebecca asked.
"Alexander is sleeping in his room, please don't wake him up. We had a long night. And Rory is out back playing with Jeff and Ford." I told her as I hugged them both.

Rebecca walked out of the kitchen as quick as she could with her growing belly.
"So, how long do you get to keep little man?" Angie asked as she sat on the counter.

"For one, get your ass off my counter. For two, we have no idea. We talked to his social worker yesterday, and she said that if we wanted to we could possibly do foster to adopt."
"And? What did you say?" Angie hopped off the counter.
"We haven't had a chance to talk about it yet. We've been so busy with Xander, and planning Rory's birthday party. I forgot how much a newborn doesn't sleep." I sighed.
"Yeah, but think of how much you love him. I can already tell how much you care about him when you FaceTime me. You want to keep him, don't you?"
"When did you get so mature?" I laughed quietly.
"Well, I am your big sister."
"Not by much." I elbowed her gently as the doorbell rang.
"I got it!" Stefania called from the bedroom.


"Hey! Happy Thanksgiving!" I exclaimed as
Y/N's Dad walked through the front door.
"Happy Thanksgiving Stef." He gave me a hug and handed me a bottle of wine.
"You didn't have to bring anything." I said with a smile.
"I know how much you like your fancy wine. I figure you might need it with a new baby in the house." He chuckled.
"Thank you Robert." I smiled at him as we walked into the kitchen.
"Hey Dad! Happy Thanksgiving!" Y/N said as she walked over and gave him a hug.
"Happy Thanksgiving. Where's my grand-babies?"
"Rory is outside and Xander is-" Y/N was interrupted by Alexander's crying over the monitor.
"Awake." She sighed.
"I got him bambina. You stay here." I kissed the side of her head and walked into Xander's room.

"Hey there bambino. Did you have a nice nap?" I cooed as I picked him up, then sat him on the changing table.
I quickly changed his diaper and carried him into the kitchen.
"Say, 'Happy Thanksgiving!'"
"Hey buddy! Come here and see Papaw." Robert held his hands out and I handed him over to him.

I walked to Y/N and wrapped my arms around her from behind as Angie and Robert were distracted by the baby.
"Have you given any thought to what we've talked about?" I whispered.
"Yeah. Have you?"
"Sì." I nodded slightly and kissed her shoulder.
"So? What do you think?"
"I think-"

We were interrupted by the doorbell ringing.
"I'll get it." Y/N turned and kissed me softly and walked out of the room.

"What the fuck?" I heard Y/N ask loudly.
I quickly walked into the hallway to stand behind Y/N. Ashley was standing there with wide eyes, her pupils were dilated and her face was slightly sunk in.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing? Showing up to my God damn house like this." Y/N asked angrily.
"I don't know what you're talking about. I came to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner." Ashley tried to walk into the house but Y/N braced her body and kept her from entering.
"Are you really not going to let your Mother in?" Ashley scoffed.
"Get the fuck away from my house. Get to a fucking meeting."
"What's going on?" Angie walked in behind me.

"Angie, please go back into the kitchen. Make sure Rory doesn't see this."

Angie looked at me and I nodded slightly. She walked off and we heard the back door open and shut.

"Are you seriously high right now?" Y/N scoffed.
"Y/N, just let me in and we can talk-"

"You're not coming inside my house! Are you fucking crazy? Get the fuck away from me and my family." Y/N went to shut the door but Ashley put her hand out and stopped it.
"You have two fucking seconds to get your hand off my door before I break your fingers." She spat.

"You think you're tough shit huh? You're just like your father. You're nothing but a no good, piece of shit. You and your dyke fiancé."

Before I could even react Y/N had reached back and punched Ashley's face.
"Bambina!" I gasped as Y/N walked out of the front door and dragged Ashley off the porch.


Y/N's Dad rushed to the front door, and ran outside.
"If you ever talk about my fiancé like that again I swear to God I'll knock your fucking teeth out. You hear me?" Y/N reached back to throw another punch.

Robert wrapped his arms around her and picked her up.
"Get the fuck off!" She exclaimed as she kicked her legs back and forth.
He carried her into the house, and I quickly shut the door behind them.

He set her down, and she pushed her way out of his arms.
"Y/N, let me look at your hand." He reached for her hand.
"It's fine." She spat.

"Y/N, stai zitto e fammi guardare la tua mano dannazione." I said firmly.

Y/N looked down, and held her hand out for me.
I took it gently, and examined it.
"Come on. Let's go put some ice on it. It's going to swell." I whispered.

Y/N nodded and we walked to the kitchen.

"Well. Happy fucking Thanksgiving, right?"
Y/N chuckled.

"Bambina." I sighed as I put a bag of ice on her hand.
"What? I gotta make jokes. It's how I cope." She shrugged.
"I can't believe you just punched your Mom." Robert shook his head.
"Like I was going to stand by and let her run her mouth about my fiancé and Dad? Fuck that."

"Mom! Is dinner almost ready?" Rory came running into the house.
"Yes baby, go wash your hands." She gave Rory a smile that faded as soon as she ran off.

"Are you sure you're good?" I whispered.
"I'm good. I promise."

Do not read if you have not watched tonight's (11/11) episode.

How did you all like that golden gaytime tonight??

And our poor baby Dean😭 I SOBBED. I can't believe that Pru is left without a father. I really hope Ben and Miranda get her.

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