Chapter Thirteen

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"Is it bad that I don't want to leave?" I asked as I traced my finger up and down Stefania's stomach.
"We have to get home to the bambina." Stefania smiled as she kissed my forehead.
"Can't we bring her here and just live in a hotel room for the rest of our lives?" I chuckled softly.
"The rest of our lives, huh?"
"I mean..." I trailed off, burying my face into her neck.
"Bella, look at me." She lifted my chin up gently.
"We don't have to have that talk right now if you don't want to. We've been dating for a short period of time, and we've known each other for only four months. We have plenty of time for the forever talk."
"I guess I just want to make sure we're on the same page about everything."
"What do you see for us in the future?" Stefania ran her fingers through my hair.

"Us, married, with a dog, a couple of kids running around... and we're happy." I whispered.
"I can see the marriage, eventually, and the dog." Stefania nodded.
"But you don't see kids?" I asked.
"I never saw myself as a Mom."
"You're dating a Mom, Stefania. You have a child living with you."
"But she's not my child, y/n."

"Okay, wow." I scoffed as I sat up in bed.
"I didn't mean it like that." Stefania sighed as she reached for my hand.
"How did you mean it then? Do you not want kids? Because Rory is a kid Stefania. She counts."
"I just mean I don't have to parent her bambina."
"You do! You don't have to, but you do! You help her with homework! You cook with her! She wants you when she's sick!"

"It's not that I don't want kids, y/n. I do. And I love Rory as if she were my own. I just... my Mamma is gone. Do you know how I feel knowing that she won't be here to meet her grandchildren?"
"Yeah. I do Stef. And it's sucks. But like you told me, your Mamma is looking down on you smiling. She's proud of you." I reached over and took her hand.
"I'm sorry that I took it the wrong way. I should've known." I whispered.
"I want kids. I want kids with you. Just, not right now obviously. I want to wait. I want to ask you to marry me first."
"Who says you're the one who's gonna propose?" I joked.
"I do." Stefania smiled and pulled me onto her lap.
"I love you." I cupped her face and gave her a gentle kiss.
"I love you."

A few hours later

"Mom!" Rory exclaimed as she opened the front door.
"Hi baby!" I picked her up in a hug.
"I missed you!"
"I missed you too baby girl. Where's Auntie Barrett?"
"Coming!" Barrett walked out of the kitchen with a plate of cookies.
"Did you forget your cookies kid?"
"Nope!" Rory grabbed one and took a bite.

"Sorry, my sister called me." Stefania said as she walked into the house.
"Stef! I missed you!" Rory exclaimed as she gave her a hug.
"I missed you too chocolate face." Stefania wiped some chocolate off of Rory's face.
"Were you good for your Aunts?" I asked.

"She was an angel." Barrett said as she kissed the top of Rory's head.
"Aunt Dani came over and spent the night with us!"
"Oh did she? That sounds fun!"
"You ready to go home bambina?" Stefania asked.
"Yeah. Bye Aunt Barrett." Rory went and gave Barrett a hug.
"Bye kiddo, you'll have to come back soon. Don't forget your bag." Barrett ruffled her hair as she walked back to grab her bag.

Later that night

"God, I'm so glad to be back home." I sighed as I plopped down on the couch.
"You feel more relaxed now?" Stefania came behind me and started rubbing my shoulders.
"Definitely. Thank you again for doing all that. I really appreciate it." I reached up and took her hand.
"Anything for you, amore mio." She leaned down and pressed a long kiss to my lips.
"God, I'll never get tired of you doing that." I whispered against her lips.
"And I'll never get tired of doing it."

We heard a small thump, and broke apart.
"Is the bambina asleep?" She asked.
"Yeah, she fell asleep about thirty minutes ago."
"I'll go check on her." She kissed my forehead and left the room.

I got on my phone, and sent a group message to the girls and thanked them for watching Rory the past couple days.
"Stef? Is she still asleep?" I called out.

"Babe?" I got up when I didn't get a reply.

I walked to Rory's room, and opened the door the rest of the way.
Rory's bed was empty, and the window was open.
"Oh my God Stef!" I ran over to her when I saw her collapsed on the ground.

"Rory! Rory where are you baby?" I called out.
"Y/N." Stefania groaned.

"Stef, where's Aurora? What happened?"
"He took her. Tyler he-" She tried to sit up and grabbed her head.

"I'm calling 911." I fumbled for my phone and dialed the number.


"I saw him. He was grabbing her out of bed. When he saw me come in the room, he hit me." I told the cop as the EMT examined me.
"And he's the child's father?"
"Sì. Y/N is the mother."
"And you are?" He questioned.
"Y/N's girlfriend."
"Okay. I have everything we need."  He put the notebook back in his pocket.
"Stefania." I turned and saw Y/N walking over, still sobbing.
"Come here bambina." I held my arms out and she wrapped her arms around my waist, crying into my chest.
"It'll be okay. They'll find her." I whispered as I rubbed her back.
"Why was I so careless? I should've known something like this would happen. He's a monster."
"Hey, don't you dare blame yourself. This is not your fault."

"Y/N! Stef! What the hell happened?" Danielle ran over to us.
"He took her. Tyler took her." Y/N cried.
"Son of a bitch. Everyone is looking for them. They told me to come here to be with you guys. What do you need?"
"My daughter back." Y/N wiped her face.
"Hey, our friends are helping. They're looking everywhere with the cops. We'll find her." Danielle reached and squeezed Y/N's hand.
"Why don't you go grab some water bambina. I'll stay here in case they have news."

Y/N nodded and walked off.

"Are you okay?" Danielle asked.
"Do I look okay?" I snapped. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just..."
"It's okay. I understand." Danielle sat down next to me on the ambulance.
"It's my fault. I should've done something." I whispered.
"Stef, he knocked you out. What could you have done?"
"Something. I don't know. I need to get out there. I need to look for her." I stood up to leave but Danielle grabbed my hand and pulled me back down.
"You don't need to go anywhere. They have it covered. You can't drive like this."

"Then drive me! My child is missing!" I shouted.

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