Chapter Forty-Nine

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"Is she okay?" Danielle whispered as I walked out of the bedroom.
"She's okay. She just needs a minuet. Did the kids hear anything?"
"If they did they aren't acting like it. I'm sorry I tried to keep her from coming in but she pushed past me-"
"Danielle, we're not mad. We're just glad everyone is okay."

"What did the doctor say?" She asked as we walked outside.
"Everything is fine. We have news. But I'll wait for Y/N to come out before I tell everyone."

"Mamma!" Rory ran up and hugged my waist.
"Ciao bella! We're you good for your Aunties?"
"Yep! Where's Mom?"
"She'll be out in a minute. She had to use the bathroom." I sat down in a chair and pulled her onto my lap.
"Mamma! I'm not a baby anymore." She laughed as she tried to wiggle out of my grip.
"But you're my baby! You and your siblings will always be my babies. Even when you're fifty!" I tickled her sides.

"Lu! Help!" She called dramatically.
Luna ran over and grabbed her hands, giggling as she tried to pull her out of my arms. I grabbed Luna's arm and pulled her onto my other leg.

"Ha! Now I've got both my girls!" I laughed as I held them close.
"Mom! Help!" Luna laughed as Y/N walked outside.
"Sorry kiddos. You're on your own." She laughed as she sat down next to me.

"Bambini, take a seat at the table. We have something important we want to tell you." I finally let go of them and they sat down at the table with Barrett and Danielle.
"So, you both know how Mom has a baby in her belly, right?" I asked.

They nodded and kept listening.

"Well... apparently I have two babies in my belly." Y/N said carefully.

"Twins!" Luna and Rory exclaimed.
"Sì, bambini. We'll have two babies added to the family."

"Oh my God that's amazing! I can't believe it! Did you hear that babe? Twins!" Danielle grabbed Barrett's arm and shook her gently.
"Yes my love, I heard." Barrett chuckled.

Luna and Rory ran off to go chase Jeff and Ford, leaving all the adults alone to talk.

"I just hope you two are ready for five." Stefania smiled at our best friends.
"Five nieces and nephews? We can totally handle it." Barrett put her arm around Danielle's shoulders.
"No, five god children." Y/N corrected.
"Wait, are you asking us-"
"To be the kids' God mothers?" Danielle finished.
"We can't think of anyone else we trust more with our children if something were to happen to us. You love our kids like they were your own. You all have done so much for us and them. You went out searching for Rory when-" Y/N's voice got caught in her throat and she wiped away a stray tear. "When her father kidnapped her. You've helped us grow our family. You're our best friends, and we love you both and our niece so much."

"Fuck Y/N. Now you've got me crying." Danielle waved her hands to try to stop the tears.
"Now you've got me crying!" Y/N exclaimed as tears rolled down her face.
"Pregnant women, am I right?" Barrett joked.

I laughed and we both got a smack to the arm from our pregnant lovers.

"You two did this to us!" Y/N pouted.
"I don't recall growing a penis and impregnating you." I chuckled as I kissed my wife's cheek.
"Yeah, but you put your egg in me. Same thing." She crossed her arms over her chest with a pout.
"Will Chinese food make it better?"

Danielle's and Y/N's faces lit up, and they both nodded enthusiastically.
"Chinese food it is."

One week later

"Lu! Come on honey we're gonna be late for your first day of school!" I called from the front door.
Y/N balanced Xander on her left hip, and held Rory's hand with her other hand.
"Are you excited to go to the same school as your sissy?" I asked.
"Yes! I can't wait!" Rory jumped up and down.

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