Chapter Eight

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I woke up alone in Stefania's bed. I could hear Rory's giggles coming from the kitchen. I quickly got out of bed, and threw on one of Stefania's sweatshirts.

"What are my girls doing up so early?" I yawned as I walked into the kitchen.
"Mom! We made you french toast!" Rory exclaimed as she ran and jumped into my arms.
"And coffee." Stefania smiled softly as she sipped her own coffee.
"You seem like you're feeling better my little monkey." I tapped my daughter's nose and sat her on the counter.
"Stef's trick worked." Rory said as she grabbed a strawberry and took a bite of it.
"Thank you." I told Stefania as she handed me a cup of coffee.

"Mom? Where's Dad?" Rory asked.

I sighed and put down my coffee. I knew this conversation was going to happen sooner or later.
"Rory. Mom and Dad... we're not together anymore." I said carefully.
"So I won't see my Dad anymore?"
"Um... You know Dad works a lot, and he's very busy. I'm sure he'll call me soon and you'll be able to see him."
"Why are we living with Aunt Stef? Why can't we go home?"

"Rory..." I sighed out.
"I wanna go home. I want to see my Dad." Rory pouted.
"Rory, you can't see Dad right now sweetie. He's at work."
"I want my Dad!" She shouted.
"Aurora, please don't shout at me. I'm trying the best I can."
"I want to see Dad!" Rory crossed her arms over her chest and huffed.

I leaned down slightly so I could get to her level.
"Aurora Elizabeth, I'm sorry. You can't see Dad right now."
Rory hopped off the counter and stormed off to her room, and slammed her door.

I sighed and stood up, putting my hands on the counter.
"Stef, please don't bambina me right now." I breathed out.
"I need some air." I stepped away from the counter and grabbed my purse, stepping out on the back porch.
I threw my purse down on the table and grabbed the pack of cigarettes I kept in there for moments like this.
I lit the cigarette and took a long draw, closing my eyes.

I fucked up my kid. It's official. I've done the thing I've tried my hardest to not do. She hates me.

I felt a tear roll down my face and I quickly wiped it as I heard the door open and shut.
"Here. I brought you some tea." Stefania said softly as she set it down on the table.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you. This isn't your fault." I whispered as I took another drag of my cigarette.
"It's okay. I understand. It's stressful." She ran her hand up and down my back.

"I have tried so hard to not fuck up my kid. And now look, I've fucked her up. She hates me."
"She doesn't hate you. She just doesn't understand. She's only known you and her Dad together her entire life. And suddenly, you two aren't together anymore. It's hard on a bambina."

I put out the cigarette and placed the butt in my cigarette pack.
"What do I do?"
"Just keep doing what you're doing. You're doing great bella." Stefania gently kissed my forehead.
"Thank you. For always being here and dealing with my crap." I chuckled as I wrapped my arms around her waist in a hug.
"You know I'll always be here." She ran her hands up and down my arms.

"Fuck, I forgot I have work today!" I shouted as my phone alarm went off.
"Go get dressed bella." Stefania laughed and tapped my side.
"What am I gonna do with Rory? I don't have anyone to watch her and-"
"Leave her here with me. We'll be fine." Stefania suggested.
"Are you sure? She can be a handful when she's like this..." I trailed off.
"Sì. Do you care if I take her out for ice cream?" Stefania asked as we walked back inside.
"Yeah. Here's my card, just make sure she eats something healthy before she eats ice cream."
"Keep your card goofy. We're good." She handed me my card as I went back into my room to change.

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