Chapter Nineteen

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I woke up early the next morning to load the car up. Well, I don't really know if I can say that I woke up. I honestly didn't sleep at all last night. The thought of me getting that call, kept me awake.

"Bambina, we have to wake up." I gently shook my girlfriend.
"I'm up." She groaned as she sat up in our bed.
"What time is it?"

"Two. We have to get going. We can sleep on the flight." I whispered as I kissed the top of her head and handed her a thermos of coffee.

We opted to leave my car in the airport parking lot. It was too early to ask anyone to take us.

The drive there was silent, my nerves were shot. I couldn't stay still, I couldn't focus much.
"Babe?" Y/N whispered as I parked the car.
"Sì bella?" I turned to face her.
"I love you."
"I love you, amore mio. Come on, let's get going."

Fifteen hours later

We stepped out of the airport in my home city, Catania. It felt different this time.
"Stefania!" I heard someone shout.

I turned and saw my niece running towards me.
"Vittoria!" I opened my arms and she crushed me in a hug.
"Look at you! You look so grown up." I said as I pulled away from the hug.
"I missed you. Who is this?" She asked as she looked at Y/N.
"This is the woman I was telling you about.
Y/N, this is my niece Vittoria. Vittoria, this is my girlfriend." I smiled at my beautiful girlfriend.
"Ciao, È così bello conoscerti.  Vorrei che fosse in circostanze migliori." Y/N said as she hugged Vittoria. (Hello, it's so nice to meet you. I wish it was under better circumstances.)
My mouth dropped, I didn't know she knew that much Italian.
"Damn! Beautiful and speaks Italiano? Careful Zia Stefania. I might steal her from you." Vittoria laughed.
"I've been studying." Y/N shrugged with a small smile.
"I've arranged a room for you two at Daniella's house. Nonno wants you to come up tomorrow. You've had a long flight." Vittoria said as she led us to her car.

"He told me you'd argue too. He said to listen to him for once, testardo. (Stubborn.)

"Whoa." I heard Y/N whisper as we passed by the ocean.
"It's so beautiful." Y/N told me as she took my hand.
"Yes you are." I squeezed her hand gently.

"Vittoria, why didn't anyone call me?" I asked as she pulled up to my sister's house.
"Nonno didn't want anyone to know. He didn't even tell us. He told us when he was admitted that he has known this was coming for over a year." She sighed.

We got out of the car, and Vittoria helped us bring our bags up.
"Stefania! Oh my goodness!" My sister squealed as I walked into the house.
"Daniella!" I quickly dropped my bags and hugged her tightly.

"Is this the girl you were telling me about?" She asked.
"Sì. Y/N, this is my sister Daniella."
"It's so lovely to meet the woman who is making my sister so happy!" Daniella exclaimed as she pulled Y/N into a crushing hug.
"It's nice to meet you too." Y/N laughed as she hugged her back.
"You two are too skinny. Come eat. I made Stefania's favorite. You too Vittoria. You need meat on your bones." Daniella said as she walked into the kitchen.
"She'll try to force every bit of food down your throat if she thinks you're too skinny." I heard Vittoria whisper to Y/N.

"So, how long are you two staying?" Vittoria asked as the four of us sat on the back porch drinking wine.
"A week. We have to get home to the bambina. She starts school soon." I replied.
"So, you have a daughter Y/N?" Daniella asked.

"Yes. Aurora Elizabeth." Y/N smiled and pulled out her phone, showing them a picture of the three of us.
"Oh my goodness she's so beautiful. Looks just like you." Daniella complimented.
"So, is she staying with her Dad?" Vittoria asked as she sipped her wine.

"Vittoria-" I started.
"It's okay babe. As far as we're concerned, Rory doesn't have a father. He's a monster who has done terrible things. Stefania has stepped up, and done everything a parent should do in the past six months she's been in our lives. Even before we were dating. She's our daughter's Mamma." Y/N smiled softly at me.
"So, I finally have a niece?" Daniella asked with a smile.

"Hello? I'm sitting right here!" Vittoria laughed.
"You know what I mean! You'll have to bring her soon so we can meet her! Or we can come to you all."
"We'd love that." I said as I reached over and took Y/N's hand.

We stayed up for a little while longer, and excused ourselves to bed.
"That wasn't as terrifying as I thought it would be." Y/N chuckled as we changed.
"Were you scared to meet my family?"
"Of course I was. I was scared that they wouldn't like me." Y/N got in the bed and cuddled into me.
"How can they not love you? Look at you." I gave her a soft smile as I kissed her forehead.

"Can I tell you something?" I asked.
"Of course. Anything."
"You're the second person I've ever let meet my family. The first woman." I whispered as I ran my fingers gently through her hair.
"Really? I guess the first was your ex husband?"
"Sì. You're the first person they've liked though. They couldn't stand him." I chuckled.
"Why did you two get divorced?" She asked.

"We were in two different places in our lives. He's a good man, don't get me wrong. We're still sort of friends. We're just better off friends than lovers."
"Do you want more kids?" Y/N asked.

"Sì. I want two more. I think three would be a perfect number."
"But you want to get married first."
"Yes. I want to enjoy being a wife and a mother to our bambina before we have more."
"I love it when you call her our bambina. It makes my heart flutter." Y/N said with a yawn.
"Go to sleep, amore mio. We have a long day ahead of us." I whispered as I closed my eyes.

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