Chapter Thirty-Four

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AN: Double chapter tonight!
Edit to add: ignore the double chapter thirty three. I was exhausted when I wrote this.
Chapter Thirty-Four

A few weeks later

"Bambina! People are arriving for your party!" I called from the kitchen.
"Coming Mamma!" Rory skipped out of her room and over to me in her birthday outfit.
"Look at you! Sei bellissima!" I exclaimed as I twirled her around.
"Grazie Mamma." She hopped up on the chair and took a bite of one of the veggies I had laid out.
"I can't believe my baby is nine today." I pouted and squeezed her cheeks.
"Mamma." She groaned. "I'm not a baby. I'm a big kid now."
The doorbell rang.
"Okay big kid. Go open the front door for me." I tapped her side gently.
She hopped down and ran to the front door.

"Babe! I need help!" Y/N called from Xander's room.
"Hold on!" I walked to the front door as Rory let Danielle, Barrett, and Jaina in.
"Hey guys! Make yourselves at home. Everything's almost done." I waved as I walked into Xander's room.
"What's wrong bambina?"
"Xander just puked all over me and I still have to take a shower and get dressed."
"Come here bambino. You didn't mean to throw up on your Mom did you?" I took Xander and held him close.
"I feel like he did it on purpose." Y/N pouted.
"He would never. Say 'I'm sorry Mom! I love you!'" I said in a baby voice.
"I love you too baby boy. Now, I have to go get ready." She kissed the top of his head and gave me a kiss, then walked out of the room.

"Let's go see your big sister and Aunties, yeah?" I asked Xander as we walked out.
"There's my nephew! Let Tìa see him, I haven't gotten to meet him yet." Jaina held out her hands.
"Say hi Tìa Jaina." I whispered as I handed him over.
"He's sooo cute." Rory said as she hopped up and down.
"Sì, he definitely is bambina." I kissed the top of her head as the doorbell rang again.

I walked over, and opened it to find Rob, Angie and Rebecca standing there.
"Hey guys! Come in!" I waved them inside.

"Where's the birthday girl?" Rob asked as he hugged me.
"In the living room with Danielle, Barrett and Jaina."

"Jaina? As in Jaina Ortiz?" Angie whispered.
"Sì." I nodded.
"Here we go." Rebecca rolled her eyes with a laugh.
"What?" I asked.
"Angie has a crush on her. A huge one."
"Shut up Becca." Angie muttered as she tried to peek around the corner.
"Well, you didn't hear it from me. But she's single right now. And she bats both ways." I whispered to Angie.
"Swings. Swings both ways Stef." Angie laughed.
"You knew what I meant though." I nudged her.

"Hey Jaina! Come meet Y/N's sisters!" I called.
"Shh!" Angie looked at me with wide eyes.

"Hey! It's so nice to finally meet you both! I've heard so much about you." Jaina came over and hugged the both of them.
"You too! Our sister really loves working with you. She can't stop talking about all her co workers." Rebecca said.
"So you're Rebecca, and you're Angie, right?"

"Uh y-yeah. Angela. Angie." She stuttered out.
"I have an idea. Rory is staying the night with Robert tonight, why don't we have a girls night?" I interjected.
"That sounds amazing! We haven't had one in months."
"Angie, Rebecca, why don't you stay tonight and join us?"
"I can be on Xander duty. Since I definitely can't drink." Rebecca rubbed her growing belly.

"Uh, yeah sure. Sounds good." Angie laughed nervously.

"Uncle Oak in the house!" Oak shouted as he walked in.
"Uncle Oak!" Rory ran in and gave him a hug.
"I guess we're invisible today." Jay told Grey.

"I guess so." He shrugged.
"Mamma, can we eat now? I'm hungry."

"Of course bambina. Go make your plate." I laughed as she ran off.

"Okay, this one is from Auntie Rebecca and Auntie Angie." Y/N handed Rory a gift.
"A tablet! Thank you!" She squealed.
"You're welcome baby. Now you can call your favorite Aunt whenever you want." Angie laughed.
"I'm sure she'll be calling Tìa Jaina every day." Jaina joked.

"Okay, this one is from Mamma, Mommy and Xander." I handed her a box.

She opened it and her eyebrows furrowed.
"Hats?" She picked up the Minnie Mouse hat.
"And what else?"
"A shirt that says sister, and a backpack, and- oh my gosh! We're going to Disney!" Rory squealed.
"Sì bambina! We're all going next week!"
"Thank you! Thank you!" She wrapped her arms around me and Y/N in a hug.
"You're welcome baby." Y/N smiled and then whispered something in Rory's ear.

"Okay!" She ran off to the other room.
"What did you say to her?" I asked.
"You'll see." She winked.

Rory came back with a box and handed it to me.
"This is from me and Mom." She said as she sat down next to me.
"Awe bambina. Thank you." I smiled and opened the box. There was a framed picture of Rory and me making dinner the first time I came over.
"Thank you bella. I love it."
"Read the back!" She wiggles in her seat.
"Out loud." Y/N added.

I picked up the frame and flipped it over.

"Dear Mamma.
I love you so much, and I appreciate everything you've done for me and my Mom. I've never seen her this happy, and I've never been this happy. You've helped my family be whole again. So, can we make it official? Will you adopt me?"

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