Chapter Three

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One month later

I stood outside hair and makeup trailer talking on the phone with Tyler.
"What? What do you mean they're adding a whole month? You said this was a two week trip and it's already been a month. Are you freaking serious?"
"I gotta work babe. It is what it is."
"Your daughter has already went a whole month without seeing her Dad. And now you want her to go another month? Do you think that's fair? How am I supposed to explain to an eight year old that her Dad is going to be gone for two whole months?"
"I don't know. That's your job. Figure it out. I gotta go." He hung up the phone.

"Fucking hell." I threw my phone in my purse and walked into the trailer.
"Ciao bella!" Stefania exclaimed from her seat.
"Morning Stef." I sat in the chair next to her and waited for the makeup lady to come over.
"Are you okay?" She whispered to me.
"I'll tell you after we're done here."

Thirty minuets later, we both walked out of the makeup trailer. Stefania grabbed my hand, and drug me over to her trailer and inside.
"You're not okay. Spill." She told me as she shut the door.
"Stefania I-"
"I know we don't know each other that well. Hell, we've only known each other for a month. But we're co workers. We're friends. And all I know is I just want to make sure my friend is okay. And you're obviously not okay."
"Stef." I buried my face in my hands and started crying.
"Oh bambina. Shh. It's okay." She walked over to me and pulled me into a  hug.
"Stefania, there's so much wrong. And I can't tell you." I cried into her chest.
"Yes you can. You can tell me. I can help bambina." She rubbed my back as she held me close.
"Stef, he- I-" I choked up and pulled away from her.
"Y/N, if you don't tell me, I can't help you. Is he hurting you? Is he hurting Rory?"
"He would never hurt Rory. That's our child." I wiped my tears away and started pacing the floor.
"But he hurts you?" Stefania questioned.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.
"How long has this been going on?" She asked.
"Since I had Rory. I couldn't lose the baby weight. It started off with a few comments here and there about my weight gain from being pregnant, and then it just-" I stopped and stared up at the ceiling.
"Do you trust me?" Stefania grabbed my hand and pulled me to sit on the couch.
"Yes." I nodded slowly.
"Then tell me, so I can help you and Rory." She gently squeezed my hand.
"He hits me Stef. He always puts me down. Sometimes, if I'm good enough, he won't hurt me. But almost every night he makes me- he forces me to-" I choked on my tears and put my head in my hands again as I cried.
"What do you need me to do? Do you want me to kill him? Because I will. I know a person."
"I can't do anything. I can't leave, he'll find us. If we go to my parents house, he'll find us. I'm stuck. I just have to deal with it for ten more years until Rory is eighteen. Then I can be free." I wiped my tears and leaned back into the couch.
"I have extra bedrooms."

"Stef, no. I can't put you in danger too."
"I won't be in danger. How will he know where I live? Let me help, Y/N. Please." She begged.

I looked up to the ceiling and took a shaky breath.
"Stefania. You don't know me." I whispered.
"I do know you. I know you well enough. You're Y/N Y/L/N. You're an amazing Mamma, you're an amazing friend. You bust your ass every day, and then go home and bust your ass for your family. You're an amazing person. Just, let yourself see how others see you."

I quickly wrapped my arms around her in a hug. "Thank you Stef. You're the best friend anyone could ever ask for."

"Mom, can you watch Rory tonight please? I'm moving out of the house. I'll explain it all later. No, I'm moving in with one of my co workers. If Tyler asks, you have no idea where I'm at, okay? I love you too." I hung up the phone and sighed.
"Hey, it'll be okay." Stefania came up behind me and placed her hand on my back.
"What if I can't do this? I don't know how to be alone. I haven't had to be alone in ten years. What if I can't raise Rory by myself? What if-"

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