Chapter Thirty-Eight

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I woke up to the smell of smoke and quickly shot out of bed.
"Stefania! The house is on fire wake up!" I shouted as I shook her hard.
"Grab the dogs I'm going to grab Luna!" I ran out of the room and into Luna's bedroom.
"Luna! Where are you!" I ran into the kitchen where Luna was standing next to the stove fanning a burning pan.
I grabbed the handle and quickly threw the pan in the sink and turned the water on.

"I'm so sorry Y/N I was just trying to make breakfast and-" Her body was trembling and her voice was shaking.
I quickly wrapped my arms around her and held her in a tight hug.
"It's okay. I was just scared, I couldn't find you and I thought the house was on fire. I'm not mad." I whispered as quiet sobs escaped her body.

"What's going on?" Stefania ran into the kitchen with both dogs under each arm.
"Someone was trying to make breakfast." I gave Stefania a small smile.
"Bambina, you didn't have to make us breakfast." She put the dogs down who immediately jumped up and down Luna's legs.
"I had to at the other houses. I just thought-"

"Luna," I pulled back from the hug and looked directly into her eyes. "You're a kid. We want you to enjoy being a kid. We might give you a chore or two to do around the house, but you will never ever have to make us breakfast or any other meal, or do whatever the other people made you do. Okay? We promise."
She nodded and wiped a stray tear away.

"Well, now that we're all up. Why don't I teach you how to make my famous French toast?" Stefania asked happily.
Luna nodded slightly with a smile and I excused myself to call everyone.

I called Jaina and Danielle on a Group FaceTime and they both answered simultaneously.
"Good morning ladies. How are my babies?"
"Rorys good. She's eating breakfast with Barrett right now."
"Mijo is eating his bottle right now, about to fall back asleep." Jaina panned the camera to Xander looking like he was in milk heaven.
"How's Luna?" Danielle asked.
"She seems to be adjusting well. She just needs to get used to actually being a kid, you know? But she's really an amazing kid. You guys will love her."
"Oh I already do. I'm going to teach my oldest niece how to salsa." Jaina laughed.
"What if she doesn't want to learn salsa and wants to sit around with her favorite aunt and eat chocolate all day." Danielle teased.
"Okay you two, don't start arguing about her. Are you guys still bringing my babies home after lunch?"

They said yes, and we said our goodbyes and I hung up the phone.

I walked back into the kitchen to see Luna and Stefania making French toast, "It smells yummy in here. I can't wait to try some." I hugged Stefania from behind, resting my chin on her shoulder.
"How long have you two been married?" Luna asked.
"One month. Y/N threw me a surprise wedding. She even flew my Papa, sister, and niece from Italy to be here."
"Technically, it was Rory's idea. She wanted us to get married for her birthday."
"She sounds nice." Luna said as she flipped a piece of French toast.
"She is. She's only five years younger than you, so you two should get along great." Stefania smiled at her.

"Oh, Luna. Danielle, Barrett, and Jaina are dropping the kids off later. Are you okay with meeting them?"
"Are they nice?" She looked up at me with a nervous look on her face.
"Of course sweetie. They're super nice. They're very excited to meet you. But, if you're not comfortable with meeting them you don't have to."
"No it's fine. I-I'll be fine."
"Let me know if it gets to be too much, okay?"
She nodded and went back to cooking.

A few hours later

The doorbell rang, and I got up from my seat to answer it.
"Hi babies! I missed you!" I held my arms out and Rory wrapped her arms around me.
"Hi Mom. Where's Luna?" She peeked around me trying to catch a glimpse of her.
"Settle down kiddo. You'll see her in a second. You just gotta remember to give her some breathing room. Not everyone likes physical touch, remember."
"Everyone reacts different to different things. Personal space matters and getting permission to give hugs and other things are important." Rory recited.
"Good girl. Now, go into the living room with your Mamma."

She ran off and I moved to the side to let Danielle, Barrett, and Jaina inside.
"There's my handsome little man." I cooed as I took him from Jaina.
"You're really raising her good Y/N. You and Stef are doing a great job. I mean, not every nine year old knows about personal space like she does." Danielle said as she gave me a hug.
"Thank you. Both Stef and I think it's important, a lot of people don't like to be touched. And I know Rory loves giving out hugs. I just want her to make sure everyone is comfortable and included."
"I missed you, but I really want to meet my niece." Jaina said as I hugged her.
"Just remember, don't overload her with questions." I whispered to them.

I led them into the living room where Rory was already talking Luna's ear off. Luna had a big smile on her face and was listening to every word that Rory was saying.
"Rory, bambina. Take a breath. You're talking a hundred miles per hour." Stefania laughed.
"She's fine, Stefania." Luna smiled softly.

"Hey Luna, this is Danielle, Barrett, and Jaina."

She gave them a little wave as they greeted her.

"And this, is Xander." I handed him to Stef, who turned him to face her.
"Hi little buddy." She tickled his foot and he gave her a smile.

"So, Luna. I hear your birthday is coming up." Jaina said.
"Uh, yes ma'am. I'll be fifteen." She said.
"You don't have to call me ma'am. You can call me Jaina. Or Tía Jaina. Whatever you feel comfortable with." Jaina told her.
"Same for us. Barrett and Danielle or Auntie Barrett and Auntie Danielle. Whatever you feel like my dude." Barrett told her.
"Okay... I like Tìa and Auntie. I've never had Aunts before..." She trailed off.
"Well, you're never gonna get rid of us know. Cause your favorite Tía, is gonna teach you how to salsa."

"You mean she's gonna sit around and eat chocolate and watch movies with her favorite Aunt." Danielle said.
"Or she can sing with her actual favorite Aunt." Barrett teased.

"Okay guys. Don't fight over her. She can dance or sing or eat chocolate or whatever she wants to do." I said as I sat down next to her.
"You can sing with me!" Rory said excitedly.
"Yeah, kid. We can do that later if you want." Luna gave her a soft smile.
"Mom, can I go play with the dogs now?"
"Yes honey. Luna, you wanna go play with Rory? Or stay here with us?"
"I'll go with Rory." She stood up and Rory took her hand and drug her out of the room.

"I swear. That kid can make a friend out of anyone." I shook my head with a smile.
"Oh definitely. So, how does it feel to go from one kid to three kids in less than four months?" Barrett asked.
"Crazy. But amazing. I couldn't imagine life any other way. But, we're gonna have to find a bigger house soon." Stefania sighed.
"We'll start looking after the adoption next week. You guys are still coming, right?" I asked.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world."




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