Chapter Thirty-Three

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One week later

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Get it together Y/N.

"Ready, action!"

"Jensen! Hughes! Miller! Get the lady ready to hit these houses from above once they're clear." Beckett shouted.
"Yes Captain!" We ran off to our spot.

They got the 'ladder' ready for me, and I climbed up it.
"Hey! Be safe up there!" Barrett called from below.
"Copy! You too!" I shouted.

I stood at the top, waiting for the water to come through.

"Waters on the way Jensen!" Someone shouted from below.
The water shot through the house, "Ha! Yeah! Woo!" I laughed. I always loved being able to mess with the hoses on set.

I looked to my right, and saw one of the stage crew signal to me that this is where they would edit in the power line hitting me.

I gasped and fell backwards onto the ladder, the safety harness catching me.
"Jensen! Kate!" I heard Barrett yell.
I laid there with my eyes closed, waiting for her to climb up the ladder.

"Come on, come on! Kate! No, no, no, no! Not like this!" I felt her feel my pulse and connect her lips to mine, blowing puffs of air.

I gasped and my eyes shot open.
"I got you. I told you I got you. I got you Kate." Barrett untangled me from the ladder and carried me down.

They placed me on a stretcher, and carried me to the tent they had set up for 'injured people'.

We shot  few more scenes with me laying on the stretcher, the the director called cut.

"Someone mind giving me a hand?" I motioned to the straps that were holding me down.
"I think I'll just leave you there." Stefania laughed as she undid the straps.
"You'd miss me too much." She took my hand and helped me stand up.

"Y/N, that was awesome. You killed it." Barrett gave me a high five.
"Are you kidding me? You were amazing. For a second there I thought I was really dying." I chuckled.

"Y/N! Your phone is ringing!" Jay called from the tent.

I jogged over and grabbed my phone, "Hello?"

"Hi Miss Y/L/N, this is Principal Wilkins."
"Oh hi Mrs. Wilkins. Is everything okay?" I motioned for Stefania to come over to me.
"Well, not exactly. Aurora punched another child today."
"She what? We'll be there in twenty minutes Mrs. Wilkins." I hung up my phone and grabbed mine and Stefania's bags.
"What's wrong?"

"Our daughter punched a child today." I scoffed.
"What? Why?"
"I don't know Stefania. Fuck, we have to get Xander." I rubbed my face.
"We'll get him from Carol and bring him home. Go get Rory." Danielle interjected.
"Thank you."


We walked into the school, hand in hand to see Rory sitting on the bench outside the principal's office with her head down.

"Bambina, are you okay?" I kneeled down in front of my daughter.
"Ah, Miss Y/L/N, Miss Spampinato. Please come in." Mrs. Wilkins said as she opened her door.
"Come on bella." I held my hand out and Rory took it.

"So, you both know why I've called you in today." The principal said as she sat down at her desk.
"Rory, what happened?" Y/N asked.
"Aurora punched a student-"
"I'm sorry Mrs. Wilkins. But I was asking my daughter for her side of the story." Y/N interrupted.
"Bambina, talk to us." I whispered.

"Tommy wouldn't stop being mean. He calls me names every day and he pulls my hair. I've tried to be his friend. I've asked him to stop bothering me. I told the teachers but they didn't do anything about it. He kept pulling my pony tail and kicking the back of my chair in class today. And when we went put to recess, he lifted my dress up and everyone saw my panties. So, I hit him Mom." Rory said with her head hung down low.

"Alright. Rory, can you go back into the hallway for a second?" Y/N said calmly.

Rory nodded with a sniff as she walked out.

"So. You called us down here, because some boy assaulted our child and she defended herself." Y/N leaned forward with her elbows on her thighs.
"Miss Y/L/N, Aurora punched a child." Mrs. Wilkins stuttered.
"She defended herself against a child who assaulted her. Where is the child who did this to her? Why is he not in the hallway?" I asked.
"Miss Spampinato, if you don't mind. I have to communicate with the parent of Aurora."

"Did you really just- first, you don't protect our child from getting bullied and assaulted. Then you insult the other mother of my child? You know what, I will not keep my child in a school that doesn't protect her, and insults her Mamma. Rory will be transferred to a different school next week." Y/N stood up.
"Now Miss Y/L/N, let's not-"
"And I will be speaking to the superintendent. We expect Rory's papers to be ready by Monday morning. Come on Stefania." She held her hand out and I took it, quickly walking to our daughter in the hallway.

"Come on bambina. Let's go." I held my other hand out and she took it gently.
"Mom, Mamma? I'm sorry." She sniffled as we walked out of the school.

"Oh no baby girl. You have nothing to be sorry for." Y/N stopped and kneeled down in front of her. "What that boy did to you, was wrong. And your Mamma and I are so proud of you for standing up for yourself. Just remember, you're not allowed to start fights."
"But I'm allowed to finish them." Rory finished Y/N's sentence with a smile.

"That's my girl. Now, how about we get McDonald's for dinner? Hmm?" Y/N asked as she stood up.
"Yes!" Rory cheered as she ran to the car.
"You're amazing. You know that?" I asked as I kissed the back of her hand.
"So are you, my love. So are you."

A few hours later

"Baby brother is here!" Rory exclaimed as she ran to the door.
"And Aunt Dani and Aunt Barrett." Barrett joked.
"Thank you two for bringing him home." I said as I took his diaper bag.
"It's no problem. Did everything work out?" Danielle asked.
"Hey Rory, why don't you go play in your room with the puppies." Y/N asked.
"Okay! Come on Ford! Come on Jeff!" She ran off to her room with the dogs following closely behind.
"So did did hit another student. But, for good reason." Y/N said as we walked into the living room.
"For good reason? What did he do?" Barrett asked.
"Apparently he's been bullying her for weeks. Pulling her hair, kicking her chair, she told the teachers and asked him to stop and nobody did anything. But today during recess he lifted her dress up and everyone saw her panties. So, she punched him." Y/N said with a shrug.

"Hell yeah. That's my girl." Danielle laughed.

"Her teacher was insistent on punishing Rory, the boy wasn't even in trouble." I scoffed.
"And she told Stefania that she was only able to speak to the legal parent. So, we pulled Rory out of that school and she'll be transferring to Kingsdale middle school on Tuesday. I'm not letting our daughter go to a school that doesn't protect her. It's fucking crazy." Y/N shook her head.

"I'm proud of you two. You handled it a lot better than I would've." Barrett laughed.
"Not everyone is a hot head like you babe." Danielle gently elbowed her girlfriend.
"Hey! Look at Stefania! She's the one who has an Italian temper." Barrett whined.
"Sì, but motherhood has made me tone it down just a bit." I leaned into Y/N and she wrapped her arms around me.
"Do you guys want to stay for dinner? I told Rory we would get McDonald's tonight." Y/N
"A celebration meal for sticking up for herself." I added.

They agreed to stay for dinner and Xander started fussing in his car seat.
"You hear your Mamas, don't you baby." Danielle cooed as she got him out.
"Say, "Hi Mamas! I missed you!" She waved his tiny hand before passing him to me.
"Ciao bambino. We're you a good boy for your Aunties?" I asked as he stared at me.
"He peed all over Barrett." Danielle laughed.

"Don't remind me. I definitely want a girl whenever we have kids. Their aim isn't as good." Barrett wrapped her arms around Danielle.
My eyebrows shot up and I looked at Danielle.

"We've talked about having kids eventually. I told her I want to be married for a little bit first." Danielle said.
"Yeah we said that too. Now look at us. Two kids and two dogs." Y/N laughed.
"And I wouldn't trade it for anything." I cuddled my son close and smiled.

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