Chapter Forty-Eight

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Six weeks later

"Bambina! Are you almost ready?" I called from the living room.
"I'm coming!" Y/N said exasperated.

"Mamma, can I ask you something?" Luna asked as she grabbed her bag.
"What's up bella?"
"Can I go to a real school?"
"You wanna stop doing the home school? I thought you liked it?"
"I wanna make friends, Mamma. I never really got a school experience. I've never been to a football game, I've never went to the movies, I want to be a normal kid."
"I'll talk to your Mom, okay?" I kissed the top of her head.

"These fucking pants won't button." Y/N groaned as she walked into the living room with Xander on her hip.
"Hey big man. Come to sissy." Luna took him and buckled him in his car seat.

"Already? You're only eight weeks." I rubbed my hand over her belly.
"Yeah well try telling him or her that." Y/N rolled her eyes and strung a hair tie through the button hole and button to keep her pants up.
"Come on. We're gonna be late." Y/N grabbed her purse and walked outside.
"She's in a bad mood, isn't she?" Luna whispered.
"Sì. I guess we'll be having Chinese food tonight. You know that always improves her mood."


"Danielle, I'm only eight weeks pregnant. And look at this shit." I lifted my shirt and showed her my growing belly.
Danielle was now twenty weeks pregnant. Halfway through and she was glowing. She was literally the model pregnant person.

"Look at my little niece or nephew." She cooed as she rubbed my belly.
"I was never this big with Rory when I was pregnant with her."
"You're supposed to get bigger quicker with your second pregnancy. At least that's what google says. Oo! Feel here, she just kicked." She grabbed my hand and placed it on her belly.

"Hi beautiful, it's Auntie Y/N. I can't wait to meet you." I smiled.
"Do you two have a name picked out yet?" I asked.
"We're between Amelia and Isabella."
"I know my vote doesn't count, but I like Amelia. It sounds better. Amelia Savre-Doss."
"Well, tell Barrett because she's insisting on Isabella Savre-Doss." Danielle laughed.

"Bambina, you forgot to take your prenatal vitamins." Stefania walked in the trailer with the bottle of vitamins and a bottle of Gatorade.
"What would I do without you?" I smiled at my wife as she handed me the bottles.
"Starve. So, we need to discuss something."
"Do I need to leave?" Danielle asked.
"No, no. It's nothing bad. Luna wants to go to a regular school."

"Really? I thought she liked home school?"
"She wants to have the high school experience. I told her she would probably only get a year, since she's testing at a college level but she's still a junior. But we need to decide if we want to let her go."
"I mean, she's a good kid. I don't see why we can't. We can just send her to the same school that Rory goes to. It goes up to senior year."
"I'll call the school and get it situated. Don't forget, we have our appointment after work." She leaned down and kissed me gently.
"I know love. Go shoot your scenes, I'm done for the day."

"Ciao bella." She waved to the both of us and walked out.
"God, my wife is so good in bed." I sighed dreamily.

"What?" Danielle laughed.
"Did I just say that out loud? I'm sorry." I shook my head with a smile.


"We're here." We stood up and followed the nurse back to the exam room.
"Dr. Sciuto will be in in just a minute." She gave us both a smile and walked out.
"You nervous?" Y/N asked.
"Me? Neva, no." I leaned down and pressed a kiss against her lips.

"Good afternoon ladies! Y/N, how are you feeling?" Dr. Sciuto asked as she walked in.
"Nauseous and bloated." She lifted up her shirt as the Doctor pulled the ultrasound machine from the corner.
"That's to be expected. Now, let's see what we have going on here." She squirted some gel on her stomach and moved the wand around.
"Everything looks to be developing normally." She moved the screen to face us.
"There's baby A, and there's baby B." She pointed at two blobs.

"Excuse me, did you just say baby A and baby B?" I stuttered.
"Congratulations! You're having twins!" She moved the ultrasound and we got a closer look. "Looks like they're sharing the same sac, so they're identical."

"Pardon my language, but are you fucking kidding me? This is a joke, right?" Y/N asked.
"We see it quite often with IVF. We injected all four eggs to try to get one healthy pregnancy, but two survived." She removed the wand and set the machine off to the side.

"I-I mean... this is great. But twins? This is fucking crazy!" Y/N exclaimed as we drove home.
"We need a bigger house." I sighed.
"We wanted one more kid. We got two for the price of one."
"I'm going to have to start looking when we get home. We need to move as soon as possible."
"Can we handle two more kids? That's five kids running around, all under sixteen."

"We shouldn't move too far... that way Rory and Luna won't have to switch schools..."
"Stefania, are you even listening to me?" Y/N huffed.
"Yes Bella. You're worried we won't be able to do it. But we will. You know why?" I parked the car in our driveway.
"Because we have each other. And our family. And that's all we need." I leaned over and kissed her cheek.
"Let's go inside. I told Danielle we'd feed them for helping pick up the kids today." Y/N gave me a small smile and we got out of the car.

We walked inside and heard Danielle shouting. I could hardly understand what she was saying.


"What the hell is going on here?" I asked as I quickly walked into the living room.
"This bitch refuses to leave and I'm about to kick her ass!" Danielle pointed at my adoptive Mom.

"Mom, what the hell are you doing here?"
"I came to check on my granddaughter since I haven't had any contact with her since you decided to take her away from us."
"I didn't decide to take her away. You made that decision yourself when you made your disgusting comments towards Stefania!"

"I see you're still living with her." She rolled her eyes.
"Yep. I sure the fuck am. And guess what? We got married. And you and my Dad weren't there because you decided to act a God damn fool." I held up my left hand and pointed at my ring.
"I can't believe you would marry that woman. Where did I go wrong? Didn't I raise you right?"

"I'm happy! Why can't you just be happy for me?"
"Because it's not right! It's against what God says!" My Mom threw her hands up in the air.
"If God says that I'm going to hell for loving my wife and our children, then I guess I'm going to hell. You need to leave."

"I'm not leaving until I see Aurora." She crossed her arms over her chest.
"You're not seeing my daughter acting the way you are. Our daughter will not be around some homophobic hateful hypocrite." Stefania spat.
"She's not your daughter you fa-"

I quickly got in her face, my hands were shaking.
"I swear to God if you finish that sentence I'll kick your ass so hard you'll be seeing God. I don't care who you are. Don't you ever talk to my wife like that. Do you understand me?"
"You need to respect your Mother. Ever since you started hanging around that woman you've changed. You tore your family apart, moved in with her, married her, and now you're exposing your child to sin. It's disgusting."
"You need to leave. Now." I growled.

We both stood our ground, staring each other down.
"This isn't over." She turned and walked out of the house, slamming the front door.

"Bambina, are you okay?" Stefania whispered.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, counting to ten in my head.
"Y/N?" Danielle asked.
"I'm good. I'm good. Where's my kids?"

"Barrett took them outside to play when she showed up."
"Okay. I just-" I felt a wave of nausea hit me and I ran to the bathroom, making it just in time to empty the contents of my stomach into the toilet.

I felt someone hold my hair back, and gently rub my back.
"I got you. It's okay." Stefania whispered as I threw up again.

"Why can't she love me for who I am?" I sobbed as I sat down on the bathroom floor.
"Hey, come here. It's okay." She sat down next to me and pulled me onto her lap.
"She's missing out. It's her loss, not yours bella. She's missing out on what a wonderful woman you've grown to be. She's missing out on all five of her grandchildren's lives."
"I hate it. I hate that she can't be happy for me." I wiped my tears and laid my head on her chest.
"I know. I know."

Holy crap! 14 K reads, and number two in the Stefania Spampinato tag! Thank you all so much!! I appreciate every single one of you!

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