Chapter Forty-Five

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December 20th. One week. It's been one week since we heard from Luna. We've tried to call her multiple times, but it went straight to voicemail. Y/N has hardly eaten or slept. She walked around like a zombie. Rory didn't understand why she couldn't see her big sister.
And me? I'm absolutely fucking miserable. But I have to be strong for everyone else.

"How are you feeling?" Danielle asked as she slid me a cup of coffee.
"Terrible. Thank you for staying with us while all this is going on."
"You know we don't mind. You'd do the same for us."
"You know we would." I gave her a small smile and sipped my coffee.
"Still nothing from Lu?"
"Nope. It's still going straight to voicemail. I wish I could just hear her voice or see her for two seconds. I'd give anything to make sure she's okay." I ran my fingers through my hair.
"The social worker won't give you any information?"
"Legally she can't. I'm not mad at her. She's just doing her job. I'm going to call Mr. DiNozzo today and see if he's heard anything."

"I better get Rory to school. Want me to take Xander with us?"
"If you don't care. I gotta try to get Y/N out of bed. She can't just lay there forever."
"Be easy on her. She's having a hard time with this."
"I know. Thank you." I squeezed her hand and took a cup of coffee to the bedroom.

"Alright bella, today's the day. Time to get out of bed." I sat down on the bed and rubbed her back gently.
"I can't." Her voice was hoarse, like she had been screaming for hours.
"You need to eat. You need to shower."

She stayed quiet and pulled the cover closer to her.

"Bambina, I'm not playing around anymore. Get up." I sighed.
"No Stefania."
"Y/N. I'm going to start your shower water. You have ten seconds to get up."

I walked to the bathroom and turned the water on, making sure it was the right temperature.
I walked back into the bedroom, and saw and was still laying in bed.

"Okay. That's enough." I yanked the cover off of her and picked her up bridal style.
"Shut up."

I took her to the bathroom and set her down so she was standing.
"Stefania I don't want to take a shower." She tried to push past me but I gently grabbed her arm.
"Take a shower."

"God damn it Y/N. I understand you're upset, I miss her too and I'm just as upset as you are. But we have to get our asses up and fucking fight for her! We aren't going to win this if we're just laying around!"

Y/N looked at me with tears in her eyes, and wrapped her arms around my waist.
"I'm sorry Stefania. I just miss her so fucking much."
"I know bella. I know." I gently rubbed her back.
"Come on. Let's get you in the shower."

She insisted she was fine to take a shower by herself, and asked me to leave and go call the lawyer.

I walked into the kitchen, and my phone started ringing. Mr. DiNozzo.

"Stefania. You and Y/N need to get to the hospital immediately."
My heart sank, "What happened?"

"Luna was admitted this morning. She's there now. I don't know anything more, but they're granting you temporary custody until the hearing."
"Okay, okay. We're coming." I hung up the phone and ran into the bathroom.
"Get out of the shower now! We have to go to the hospital. It's Luna."


I ran into the hospital with Stefania running close behind me.
"Hi uh- Luna Torres please?" I asked breathlessly.
"And who are you?"
"Her foster parents. Our lawyer called us and told us to get here." Stefania said.
"Room 322." She pointed down the hallway and we quickly made our way to the room.

We walked in and I gasped.

"Mom! Mama!" Luna cried out.
"Oh my baby! You're okay." I rushed over and engulfed her in a hug.

Stefania walked over and sat on the other side of the bed.
"Bambina, are you okay?"
"I-I tried to call you guys but she took my phone. I couldn't get out of the room, she wouldn't let me out. I-"
"Shhh bambina. It's okay. We're here now. We're not going to let you get taken away again, okay?" Stefanis leaned forward and kissed the top of her head.

"Hey Luna. How are you feeling?" The Doctor asked as she walked in.
"I'm okay. My head hurts a little bit."
"That's expected with the sleep deprivation and lack of food and water."
"Lu, what happened?" I asked softly.
"She wouldn't feed me. She locked me in that room and took away my stuff. She would only come in and-" Luna took a deep breath. "The only time I would see her is when she got angry at somebody else at the house and she'd come hit me to take it out on me. I got the neighbors's attention last night and I guess they called the cops... that's the last thing I remember before waking up here."

"You're so brave bella." Stefania reached over and squeezed her hand.

"Honestly, she's in remarkable shape for going through this for two weeks. We have her on fluids and antibiotics right now. If she does well through the night, she can go home tomorrow." The Doctor smiled at us.
"Wait, home? I get to go home?" Luna looked between us.
"Sì bella. You're coming home."

The next day

"Take it easy Luna. You got this." I encouraged her as we walked up the steps to our house.
"I'm okay Mamma." She gave me a smile that melted my whole heart. My heart filled with joy every time she called me Mamma.
"Where's Rory and Xander?" She asked as we walked inside.
"With your Aunties. They're bringing them home later. We wanted to get you settled in before you got bombarded by your siblings." I helped her to the couch and sat her down.
"Mamma, the doctor cleared me. You don't have to help me around."
"You're my bambina. I just want to make sure that you're okay."

"Okay! Everything is put back together in your room!" Y/N came walking into the living room.
"Thanks Mom."
"Are you hungry bella? I can fix something real quick."
"I'm okay. I ate lunch before they discharged me."
"Let us know if you get hungry Lu. Your doctor said you gotta eat with your meds."

"Can we invite everyone over tonight?" She asked.
"Are you ready to see everyone?"
"I miss them. I haven't seen my siblings or Aunties and Uncles in a week. I never thought I'd see you all again." Her eyes started to fill with tears and she quickly blinked them away.
"You know would've never stopped fighting for you. We're still fighting. Our lawyer is fighting hard to get the adoption date pushed up so you can officially be ours." I grabbed her hands and squeezed them gently.
"You wanna adopt me?" Luna whispered.
"Of course we do Lu. You're our kid. We want you to be a Spampinato. If you wanna change your last name of course."
"Yes! A thousand times yes!" She wrapped her arms around the both of us in a hug.

"SISSY!" Rory ran into the room and jumped on Luna.
"Rory! I missed you sweet girl!" Luna wrapped her arms around her sister.
"Promise you won't leave again?" Rory asked.
"I promise. Big sister will always be here."

I smiled as I watched them from the doorway. They really did love each other.
Danielle and Barrett came walking in with Xander.
"Is she okay? What happened? Is she staying?" Barrett rushed out.
"She's okay. It's her story to tell. And yes, she's staying." I felt a tear rolling down my cheek.
"Oh my God that's amazing! I'm so happy for you both!" Danielle wrapped Y/N and me in a hug.
"This is going to be the best Christmas ever."

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