Chapter Forty-Two

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"Lu! Come on honey we gotta get to set!" I called as I poured a cup of coffee.
"Ready." Luna walked in wearing a Station 19 hoodie and a pair of jeans.
"You ready for your first day of tutoring and therapy?" I asked as we walked out of the house.
"I guess." She shrugged.
"You're gonna do great. You can always call me or Stef if you need us. Or any of your Aunts or Uncles. We're all here for you Lu."


"Hi my love." I felt arms wrap around my waist from behind.
"Ciao bella. How's our bambina?"
"She's good. She's with the tutor now. Did Dani and Barrett get Rory to school okay?"
"Sì. Jay is helping out by picking her up after school and bringing her back here, and Xander is with Carol."
"Thank God for our family. I don't know what we'd do without them."
"Go crazy." I laughed.
"Most definitely. Have you heard anything from Daniella yet?"
"Ah, yes. There's not going to be a funeral."
"What? Why?"
"Papa didn't want one. He just wanted to be cremated. So next time we go to them, or they come to us she's going to give me some to keep."
"That's nice babe. I'm glad you at least get to have that." She kissed the back of my neck gently.
"You better stop that." I smiled and closed my eyes.
"Why?" She held me tighter.
"Because I have to be on set in five minuets." I laughed as I pulled out of her arms.
"Boo you." Y/N pouted.
"Later. If our children will cooperate." I kissed her cheek as I got called to set.

A few hours later

I walked into my trailer to see Luna working on something on her laptop while her tutor was sitting in the chair on the opposite side of the room working on a file.
"Hi bambina. How's it going?" I asked.
"Okay." She shrugged.
"Mrs. Spampinato, Luna is doing remarkably well for someone who hasn't been to school in two years." The tutor told me.
"That's great! I'm so proud of you bambina."
"She's supposed to be a sophomore. But she's more advanced than a senior in high school. She's basically learning college level stuff. I've never seen anything like this in my years of tutoring. She's actually corrected me on a few things." She chuckled.
"So, what is your suggestion? Should we keep her in tutoring? Or maybe homeschool or to put her in an actual school?" I sat down next to Luna.
"That would be up to you, your wife and Luna. Honestly, I suggest either homeschooling or going to an advanced school. I had her take a practice ACT, and she scored a thirty-four."
"Bambina! That's amazing!" I beamed at Luna who's face was flushed red.
"Talk to your wife and send me an email letting me know your decision."

The tutor packed up her things, and waved goodbye.

"Bambina, I'm so proud of you. This is amazing!"
"It's no big deal." She smiled.
"It's a huge deal! We need to celebrate tonight! Do you want to have all your Aunts and Uncles over tonight for dinner?"
"Really? All of them?"
"If you're comfortable with that."
"Can we go ask them now?"

"Sì, bambina. Come on. Let's go find Y/N."

"Remember. You have to be quiet if they're filming." I whispered as we walked on to set.

"And cut! Great job ladies!" The director yelled.
Y/N put her robe on and got out of the bed that she was laying on with Barrett.
"What are they doing?" Luna whispered.
"Ah... Y/N's character and Auntie Barrett's character are dating in the show. Kinda like mine and Auntie Danielle's are."
"Oh, isn't that weird?"
"Not at all. We trust each other."

"Hi guys! How are two of my favorite girls doing?" Y/N asked as she walked up.
"Guess what? Our child is a genius!" I said excitedly.
"Not really." Luna shrugged.
"Our bambina scored a thirty four on a practice ACT! She's past a senior level on everything. She's learning at college level."

"Oh my God! That's awesome Lu! I'm so proud of you!"
"We were going to invite everyone over for dinner tonight to celebrate. Also, us three need to talk about what we want to do about her schooling. Either home school, or sending her to an advanced school."

Y/N got called back to set, "We'll talk about it later. Go ask everyone if they want to come over for dinner tonight. I gotta go, I love you both!"

"Alright bambina. Let's go find all your Aunties and Uncles.


I walked off set after an emotionally exhausting scene. When I had to cry for a scene, it always left me exhausted for a few days afterwards.

"Mom!" Rory ran up and hugged me.
"Hi honey! Did you have fun with Uncle Jay?"
"Yes! He let me listen to Taylor Swift the whole way here!"
"I never realized how many of her songs that I knew until Rory. I guess I'm a Swiftie now." Jay laughed.
"Welcome to the club. You ready to get your brother and sister and go home?"

"Oh Jay, we're having dinner tonight at our house."
"Okay, awesome. Any special occasion?"
"I don't know if I'm supposed to tell you, so I'll just leave it as a surprise for now."
"Well, you know I'll be there. Bye munchkin, I'll see you later!" Jay gave Rory a high five and walked off.

"What are we celebrating Mom?" Rory asked as we walked to the trailer to get Xander.
"We're celebrating Luna getting a super awesome score on a test that is really hard to get."
"Oh." Rory whispered.
"Okay. What's wrong?" I stopped walking.
"Nothing." Rory looked down and kicked a pebble with her shoe.
"You're my kid. I know when something is wrong." I knelt down to be at her level.
"Why don't I get celebrations when I get a good score on a test?"
"Oh baby. I'm sorry, I wasn't even thinking. I'm sorry that we made you feel this way. Look, how about we celebrate you tonight too? Just for being an awesome little sister and big sister."
"No, it's okay Mom. Lu needs it more than I do."
"Why don't we make a plan this week for me, you, and your Mamma to go out and eat lunch by ourselves? Does that sound good?"
"I'm okay Mom. Don't worry about it. I know Lu is just new and needs extra attention. I don't love her, or you or Mamma any less. It just hurt my feelings a little bit."
"You know you're my favorite Aurora, right?" I tickled her sides.
"I'm the only Aurora you know." She giggled.
"Yeah, but if I knew a million Auroras, you'd still be my favorite."

"Come on. Let's go get your Mamma and siblings." I took her hand and we walked into the trailer.

"Hi my little man! Did you have fun today?" I cooed as I took him from the sitter.
"He was so good. I do believe he's starting to get teeth though. His gums seem a little swollen and he's drooling a lot." She said as she handed me the diaper bag.
"Okay, thank you for letting me know. We'll see you tomorrow!" I waved as we walked out of the trailer.
"Now, to go find your Mamma and big sister." I balanced Xander on my left hip and sent Stefania a text that I had picked him up and we were ready to go.

"Yes baby?"
"Are you going to adopt Luna like you did Xander?"
"We're hoping to. But we have to talk to Lu and the social worker first."
"I hope you do. I love my big sister." Rory skipped ahead and ran into the trailer.

I chuckled and walked inside.
"Ciao bambini! How was everyone's day?" Stefania asked as she took Xander from me.
"I did good at school today. I got an A on my math test." Rory took her test out of her back pack and showed it to us.
"That's great bambina! I'm so proud of you." Stefania gave her a hug.

"Are you all ready to go home? I'm exhausted." I asked.
"Sì. I have to order pizza on the way home for tonight."
"Yesssss! Pizza!" Rory cheered.

"Hey, you okay?" Stefania whispered as we walked to the car.
"Yeah. I just had an emotional scene. You know those drain me." I gave her a small smile.

To be honest? I felt like shit. I hadn't felt like this in a long time. I was happy, but I felt empty. And I didn't understand why. I have everything that I've ever wanted and needed.

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