Chapter Fifty-Four

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Three months later

"Are you ready for this bella?" I asked as I adjusted the small bow in Luna's hair.
"Ready to be a Spampinato? I've never been more ready." She smiled up at me.
"Stef? Lu? They're waiting." Y/N peeked her head out from the court room.
"Let's go." I took her hand and we walked into the room.

I looked to the right and saw all of our friends and family sitting in the seats.
We both waved slightly, and walked up front where Y/N, Rory, and Xander were waiting.
"All rise for the honorable Judge Summers."

We all stood up, as the judge walked in and sat down.
"You may be seated. We're here today for the adoption of Luna, correct?"
"Yes your honor. We already have full custody, but we all want to make it official."
"I see. Luna, do you mind coming up here for a second?" The judge waved her up.

She looked up and me and I nodded with a smile.
Luna walked up to the front, and sat down next to the judge.
"How do you like living with Mrs. and Mrs. Spampinato?"
"I love it. They're my moms. Without them... I don't think I'd be here today. They saved me. Wait, I gotta correct myself on that one. Our whole family saved me. Our family is a little unconventional. All my Aunts and Uncles out there, we're not biologically related. But it doesn't take blood to make a family. And my siblings, Rory, Xander, even Luca and Liam. They saved me too. All I want, is to become a Spampinato and to leave my past behind me. This. This is my family." She looked out at all of us with tears running down her face. I'd be lying if I said the whole room wasn't crying. There wasn't a dry eye in the room.

"Well... I think I've heard enough. I declare from this day on, that the child in question will now be called Luna Rose Spampinato." She banged her gavel down, and the room erupted with cheers.
Luna ran to us both and wrapped us in a hug.
"I love you guys." She cried.
"We love you too Lu-bear. We love you too."
Y/N had tears running down her face.

Two and a half months later.

"Babe, babe!" I felt a smack on my arm.
"What? What's going on?" I groaned.
"It's time."
"The time? It's three a.m bambina."
"No, it's time."

"What? Like-" I shot up in the bed.
"They're coming. The twins are coming." She breathed out. Her face contorted in pain, as she let out a loud and long groan.

"Oh my God! Okay! Okay! This is happening!" I jumped out of bed and fell and hit the floor. I heard Y/N laughing from the bed.
"That's not funny!" I exclaimed as I scrambled to grab the go bag and the diaper bags.

"Call. Jaina!" She groaned as she clutched her stomach.
"Okay! Okay! Uh my phone. Where's my phone?" I reached around in my hoodie trying to find it.
"Baby, I need you to calm down." She breathed out.
"How am I supposed to calm down! You're in pain!" I cried.
"I'm okay. I've been there done this before. I'm okay baby. Just call Jaina, and have her get here."

I took a deep breath and grabbed my phone, and quickly dialed Jaina's number.
"Stef? It's 3 a.m." She grumbled as she answered the phone.
"We need you to come over please. Y/N is in labor."

"What? How! She's only thirty-six weeks!" She cried.
"That's the normal time for twins, can you please come over and watch the kids? Please?" I begged.
"I'll be there in five." She hung up and I stared at my phone.
"She said she'll be here in five minuets. But she lives fifteen minuets away." I threw my phone in the go bag.
"What do you need me to do, are you hurting? Do you need anything?" I asked my wife.
"Sit behind me, put pressure on my lower back. These contractions are getting closer." She leaned forward and groaned.

I quickly crawled behind her, and pressed my thumbs against the lower part of her back.
"Baby, we don't have time." Y/N grabbed my hand and squeezed hard.
"What? What do you mean we don't have time?"
"I need you to call 911. Now. We aren't gonna make it to the hospital."
"What? How-"
"I can feel one of them crowning. I need you to call 911. Now."

I grabbed my phone and dialed 911.
"911, what is your emergency."
"My wife's in labor! 1372 RidgeWood Road! She says she can feel one of the babies crowning!"
"Okay ma'am. I'm dispatching an emergency vehicle to you. Now, I need you to go to your bathroom, and wash your hands."
"Uh, okay." I got off the bed and put the operator on speaker phone, and quickly washed my hands.
"Okay? Now what?"

"I need you to position yourself between your wife's legs, and tell me what you see. Tell her to not push."

"Okay bambina. I'm gonna check you, okay?" My hands were shaking as I put the phone on the bed and moved the cover off of her body.

"Holy shit- I-I see a top of a head." I gasped.
"Okay. I need her to push in ten second counts, okay?"
"Okay. Bambina, I need you to push. Ten second counts, okay?"

Y/N nodded with tears in her eyes, and bared down and pushed.

"I'm here! I'm he- holy shit!" Jaina ran into the room.
"Jaina! Go sit behind Y/N, give her some support!" I directed.

She quickly moved to sit behind her and grabbed her hands.
"Okay, do you see anything ma'am?"
"Uh, the head is further out?"

"Okay. I need you to gently grasp the back of the neck and pull very very gently on the next push, okay?"
"O-Okay. How close is the ambulance?"
"Three minuets. You can do this ma'am."

"Bambina, one more push, okay?"
"O-Okay." Y/N sobbed.
She bared down, gripping Jaina's hands as I gently pulled our son out.

"Oh my God! He's here! He's crying! He's okay!"
"Wrap him in a towel, the ambulance is pulling into your driveway now."
"Thank you! Thank you so much!" I cried.
"Bambina, you did so good! I'm so proud of you."
She smiled faintly as she leaned back against Jaina.

"I heard we have another baby to deliver." The EMT said as she walked in.
"Yes! One boy is out, just waiting on the second."
"Alright ma'am. Give your son to my partner and go sit by your wife. We'll take over from here."

I hands my son to the other EMT, and quickly traded spots with Jaina.
"You're doing so good bambina." I kissed the top of her head gently.
"You're the one who did good. You delivered our son." She breathed out as she leaned back against me.

"Okay, looks like baby number two is coming. On my count, one, two, three, push!"

"Your blood pressure is normal, your fluids are good, and you handled being stitched up like a bad ass. We're just gonna take you and the babies to the hospital, okay Mrs. Spampinato?"
She gave them a weak thumbs up as they loaded her onto the gurney.

"I got the kids. Call me if anything changes." Jaina gave me a hug, and kissed the top of the Y/N's head.
"Grazie Jaina. You don't know how much we appreciate you."
"Thanks J." Y/N waved as they wheeled her out. I followed quickly behind, and got in the ambulance with her and our sons.

"You did it bambina. Our sons are here safe and healthy." I grabbed her hand as the car took off.
"No, we did it."

Three years later

"What are you thinking about?" Y/N hugged me from behind as I stared out at the backyard full of kids. Y/N's sister had a girl shortly before Barrett and Danielle had Jamari. She named her Taylor.
Jamari had quickly gotten released from the NICU, and had gotten to go home. She was the perfect combination between Danielle and Barrett, attitude and all.
Luca and Liam didn't spend too much time in the NICU, and they had grown up so fast. They definitely had my temper.
Xander is now four, about to start Pre-K. He's all about monster trucks and wrestling. We've had to start locking our doors at night time. If not, Xander will come in and 'body slam' us as he calls it. 
Luna is eighteen, and decided she wanted to become an actress. Can you guess where she booked her first job?
And Rory. Rory is now thirteen. She's got the biggest heart. She always trying to bring home stray cats and dogs saying they need a home.
"How grateful I am. For you, for our bambini, for everything."
"Just think. If I had never taken that job, we wouldn't be here." She gently kissed my shoulder.
"I believe we would bambina. The universe works in mysterious ways. We're meant to be. Because this love? It's ours."

"Two halves, one whole."

The End.

AN: Thank you all so much for the love and support you've given to me during this story. I'm going to take a week or two off from publishing so I can write and get a head start for the next story. I love and appreciate you all so much!

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