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When we're taken to bathe the next morning, I put my plan into action. Sweet talk Loki and learn everything there is to know about Thor so I can gain his trust and get to Hel.

A simple enough plan if executed correctly.

"So what was it like for you and your brother growing up here?" I ask him while I wash my hair.

"If you believe you can somehow use me to successfully seduce my idiot brother, then think again".

This guy can somehow see right through my bullshit and I don't like it.

"Oh come on. Don't you like tricking your brother, Mr Mischief?"

"In normal circumstances yes, but I refuse to help you bed him".

"Why not?"

"It is hardly an amusing trick if he enjoys it".

"So you think he'll enjoy me in his bed?" I laugh.

"Any sane man would".

"You know, I've always wondered what it would be like".

"What, what would be like exactly?"

"To have a god between my legs. Surely it'll be a lot more pleasurable than poor Skurge was".

He moves closer to me once my back is turned to him. I can feel his warm breath on my neck when he reaches around me to put his body wash back on the ledge.

"You could not handle a god, little witch".

"You really think so?"

"I know so. A god can grant you pleasures your fragile body could not possibly hope to handle".

"Try me" I challenge and confidently turn back to face him.

"Are you quite certain about that, little witch? I would not utter those words so carelessly if I were you".

"Of course, your right. Perhaps I should wait a bit longer and find out for myself when your brother screws my brains out?"

His hand grabs my throat before he presses me up against the back wall, with the metal collar digging painfully into my neck.

"I know what you are trying to achieve and it will not work. They are using you and once they have what they want, you will spend the rest of your days alone in that cell or condemned to the very depths of Hel itself".

"Well misery loves company, and you sure are miserable, Loki".

The water begins to empty and the cold water falls down over our bodies. He loosens his grip and steps away before our towels are thrown to us, his eyes burning into me even while I dry myself off.

Even when we're back inside our cells, he still looks pretty angry standing there after his collar is removed.

"Prince Thor has requested your presence once you are dressed, miss" a guard tells me.

"Lucky me" I sigh.


I'm taken to the through the palace shortly after to a hall where Thor's sitting alone with a book in front of him. He looks deep in thought and a little angry.

He doesn't even seem to notice that I'm here until the guard removes the chain from my collar.

"Ah, Lady Krystal, there you are".

"So what do I owe the pleasure this fine morning?"

"If you and I are to learn to trust one another then we can hardly do that with you locked away in that cell all day".

"I guess not. So what were you reading?"

"It is a list of all the beings and creatures we have banished to Hel in recent years. It is a rather long list indeed".

"Oh? Why would you need to know all that?"

"It would appear that the witch you are searching for has far greater magic than we had anticipated. She has somehow found a way to send these monsters back here to Asgard. Three of our best soldiers perished just last night after an attack outside the kingdom".

"She's making a power play".


"She's overthrowing whoever the big bad was in Hel before she got there by showing everyone that she's more capable of destroying Asgard than they were".

"You truly believe so?"

"I know so. Once she's got them all on her side, you won't have to go to Hel to destroy her because she'll come to Asgard. Every monster on that list will be back here looking for revenge and she'll use them as an army to destroy you".

"You seem to know a lot about her".

"We were close once. I trusted her above all others until the day she cursed me".

"If you do not mind me asking, why would she curse you if you two were so close?"

"We fell in love with the same man. I didn't even know she was in love with him, but that didn't matter to her. She couldn't handle the fact that he chose me".

"She was clearly envious of your beauty".

"You think I'm beautiful?"

"I have eyes, tiny witch. I was the one that brought her here and she does not compare".

"Thank you" I blush slightly.

"You do not have to return to the cells just yet. I could give you a tour of the palace if you prefer?"

"Aren't you even a little worried that I'll try to escape without the chain on?"

"Should I be?"

"Maybe, but something tells me you'd enjoy chasing me if I did".

"Come now, Lady Krystal" he holds out his hand and I take it.

All I had to do was give him a little information to inspire sympathy and I could have him wrapped around my little finger without the use of magic.

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