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When I'm returned to my cell, I realise the device has already been taken to make sure that I can't escape, and all of Loki's belongings had been taken out of his cell as well.

I was alone again, just as alone as I'd been before I came to Asgard. Actually, this felt a lot worse than that loneliness because I'd finally found love again, only for it to be snatched away from me.

I feel empty inside as if my heart had been cut out instead of my mother's.


Loki's voice calls to me when I'm laid on my bed facing away from him, but I refuse to answer him back after what he did.

"Please, talk to me. I need you to understand why I had to tell Thor the truth".

"I already know why you did it" I tell him.

"You do?"

"Of course I do. You were just using me this whole time. You've done quite well now your father's out of the way because your out there and I'm stuck in here taking all the blame".

"That is not true and you know it. I am saving you from yourself. Even I could sense the difference in you after you returned here".

"What are you talking about?" I finally sit up and face him.

"Why did you choose that punishment for my father?"

"I don't know?"

"Yes, you do. You could have compelled him to forget you or to accept us, anything you wanted, yet you chose to do that".

"Does it matter?"

"You told me that you never wanted to hurt anyone".

"Well maybe I've changed, Loki. I've been treated like garbage my whole life by my own mother. Maybe being banished by your father was the last straw that finally tipped me over edge".

"Please, Krystal. This is not you".

"Perhaps this is the new me?" I smile.

"You are a good person whose only desire was to love and have children. We can move on and be done with this place for good if you just do as my brother asks".

When I look at the desperation in his eyes, I know he'll never be able to fully trust me again while this magic is inside of me.

I can feel the corruption it's done to me already so I have to do what's necessary, even if it hurts him.

"I'll do it, but I have some conditions".

"Anything, my love".

"I need to say this to Thor and your mother in person".

Once I'm taken back to the throne room, Thor still looks angry, with his mother looking on more sad than anything.

"What are your conditions for the release of my father?"

"I'll only wake your father on three conditions".

"Go ahead".

"My marriage to your brother remains unconsummated, therefore I want you, as the current King of Asgard to annul the marriage, today".

"Krystal, no!' I hear my husband's voice as he approaches me from his brother's side.

"Loki, let her speak" Thor tells him and puts his arm out to hold him back from me.

"What else, my dear?" Frigga quizzes.

"Once it's done, I want my memory erased. Not just the ones of Asgard, but all of them. Without all of the heartache and bad memories of my past, the dark magic inside of me will fade away".

"She is right, my son" she whispers to Thor.

"And the third?"

"I want to be sent back to Earth once my memories are gone, that way I can move on with my life".

"Please, brother. Do not agree to this. She is not in her right mind!" Loki begs him.

"What choice do I have!?"

"I'd hurry up before I take this offer back, Thor. I should imagine your precious father will be happy to be rid of me when he wakes up".

"This is not her talking, Thor. You cannot take the woman I love away from me" he starts crying.

"If I'm not myself anymore, then I'm not the woman you fell in love with or married, Loki".

"Yes you are".

"Without me here, you'll remain free to move on after your father wakes up. He'll know that you betrayed your own wife in order to save him".

"She is right, my sons. We must agree to this".

Finally, Thor lets Loki come to me. When he takes my hands, I can see the heartbreak in his eyes.

They were right about the dark magic changing me. The longer I had it, the more it would continue to poison me until I was nothing more than what my mother had become.

I had the urge to kiss my husband and promise him that everything was going to be okay, but all I could do was look at him standing there.

I feel almost nothing anymore.

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