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I spend the entire night either watching over this Loki person while he's still unconscious, or cleaning up all the blood and broken stuff from the downstairs of the house.

Other than the now completely destroyed furniture and various broken ornaments that I hope Tony will never notice are missing, everything looks relatively okay now.

After checking on the still unconscious man again, I go for a much needed shower and throw away all my blood stained clothes that I was wearing last night once I'm done.

I make breakfast, but struggle to find my appetite when all I can picture in my head is blood everywhere, and keep remembering the look on that beasts face when I killed it.

When I hear some slight movement coming from the lounge area, I head in to check on Loki, who I find sitting up on the couch.

"What happened?" he asks.

"You got stabbed, so I healed you".

"Where is the beast?"

"I killed it".

"Where is my cloak?"

He looks suddenly unhappy, realising that it's gone.

"I washed and repaired it. It's hung outside drying now. You bled all over it and it was already covered in blood anyway, so I didn't think you'd mind".

"You should not have done that!"

"Washed your cloak?"

"Removed it! My identity needs to remain hidden from anyone who means to harm you. That is why I wear it!"


"Thor and I went to great lengths to fake my death so that I could come here and protect you. If Odin were to discover that I am still alive and here with you now, both our deaths will be less than pleasant".

"I didn't realise. I'm sorry, Loki".

"How do you know of that name?"

"You told me it last night when you were still pretty out of it".

"I did not speak of anything else?"

"No, that was it".


You'd think this guy would be a little more grateful that I'd not left him to bleed to death on the kitchen floor. A thank you would be nice.

"Take off your clothes".

"What?" he sounds disgusted.

"They're filthy and you kind of have a huge hole where you got stabbed. I'll clean and repair them for you, okay?"


"There's a shower upstairs, fresh towels and a robe that you can wear until I'm done with them".

"Thank you".

"You're welcome".

Finally some gratitude.

"So how did you kill the beast by yourself?"

"With a little bit of magic, and this".

I hand him his small blade back.

"I had wondered what you had done with this".

"It came in pretty handy when I jammed it through his eye. I put the body in the woods with the other one, by the way".

"You surprise me, witch" he almost smiles.

"Call me Star" I tell him.

Now that I know his name, I figure he should at least know mine.

"Star? Is that what they call you?"

"Yep. I don't know exactly what Thor's told you about me before he sent you here".

"He told me only what I wanted to know".

"You didn't want to know my name though? That's a little weird".

"It had not occurred to me that you would go by a different name".

"Did we know each other? Well, the me that I used to be before I came to Earth?"

"Yes, we had crossed paths".

That's an interesting development. Maybe he hated me before and that's why he was so aggressive towards me in the woods?

"Is that why you agreed to come here and protect me?"

"As I said, I owe my brother a dept which I must repay. My freedom in exchange for your safety and that is all".

"Were you a prisoner or something?"

"In more ways than you could ever imagine".

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