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After he does exactly what Skurge had suggested, Loki then uses his magic to heal the fresh, deep cut on his arm and quickly returns to his cell before anyone else notices he was missing.

I'm left alone with the bodies while Skurge goes off to get help, and I feel overwhelmed with emotion at the realisation of how close I just came to dying.

I was completely powerless to stop them. The last time I felt this weak it had cost me everything I held dear and this time it had nearly cost me my life.

I can hear loud footsteps approaching so I hold the cloak tightly around myself.

"She is in there, but she appears to be in shock" I hear Skurges's voice.

That's when Thor comes in followed by his father Odin, who looks around the room at the absolute carnage and sees me shaking with fear in the corner.

Thor runs to my side and kneels down next to me.

"Krystal, are you alright?" he sees the mark across my face where the guard had hit me.

"She has not spoken a word since it happened".

"Son, you should get her to the healing room".

Even after he carries me all the way there, he stays by my side until the healers check me over and tend to the bruises on my arms, neck, face and thighs.

They give me with another dress to replace the one that the guard had torn earlier before Thor can come back in to see me.

"Krystal, can you tell me what happened?" he asks.

"I don't know. I was asleep one minute and the next thing I knew, they were dragging me out of my cell. I could hear Loki shouting at them to leave me alone, but they wouldn't listen. I couldn't even use magic to stop them because I woke up with this collar already on".

"I would not want to ask the healers this, but did they hurt in any other way?"

"No, they didn't get the chance. Skurge came in and stopped them just in time".

"You must have been terrified".

"They said they were going to kill me afterwards and hide my body to make it seem like I'd escaped".

"Why would they do such a thing?"

"They accused me of putting a spell on you and said I'm the one bringing the monsters here. Apparently when the people find out, they will demand my head anyway".

"That is ridiculous, Krystal. Nobody would be foolish enough to believe that".

"Won't they?"

"I can keep you safe".

"Can I go back to my cell now?"

"Why do you desire to return there after what happened? I am more than happy to take you to a more appropriate room where you will be more comfortable".

"Other than the guards, I actually quite like it down there".

"Is this because of Loki?"

"Loki? What does he have to do with anything?"

"I know he has strong desires towards you. Do you perhaps feel the same way?"

"No and you're wrong, he doesn't think about me that way".

"Alright. I will deliver you back to the cells, but I will stay with you".

"I'll be fine, honestly, as long as you keep the guards away from me from now on".

"I can assure you, I will".


A couple of hours later when I come back, Loki acts as though he doesn't even notice me, but I catch him glancing over at us when Thor opens my cell.

I immediately lay down on my bed and pretend that I'm really tired so Thor will leave me alone that much quicker. As soon as he's convinced I'm actually asleep, I hear him exiting my cell.

"Why would you bring her back down here after what happened?" Loki questions Thor.

"She was insistent that this is where she wanted to be. All I have done is granted her wish".

"You should not have allowed it. She is clearly in grave danger down here".

"Why do you care? You yourself have said she means nothing to you".

"And after one kiss you believe you know what is best for her? You should have never brought her here to Asgard at all. You are giving her false hope that father will send her to Hel".

"He has every intention of sending her there, brother".

"But can you honestly say that you believe he will permit her to return once she kills the witch? He will leave her there to rot for an eternity and you know it".

"Matters of the throne are no longer any concern of yours, Loki".

"Then tell me, brother, were you planning on bedding her before you allowed her to be sent to her death? May the gods help you if she were to ever return to enact her revenge on you".

"Enough, Loki!" I hear him storm away while I lay there, still pretending to be asleep.

Was this all a trick? Odin would send me to Hel and let me believe I'd eventually return, but it was all a lie if I was to believe what I'd just overheard.

Had Thor really been using me this whole time, or was that just Loki's perception of it?

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