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The following morning, I wake up in my cell. When I get up and look around, I realise that Loki's not in his. Surely Odin would've been found by now and everyone in the palace would be freaking out.

That's when two guards come down and tell me that the King had requested my immediate presence, that's when I start panicking. What if it hadn't worked and he's stronger than I though?

No, that's not possible!

When I walk into the throne room, Thor is sitting on the throne just like I hoped he'd be, with his mother seated nearby. Neither of them appear in the best of spirits, but with good reason I guess.

I'm quite elated by this turn of events.

"Guards, leave us" Thor instructs them.

Once they've all left the room and we're alone, I drop my peasant facade, knowing that none of them will care now.

"Lady Krystal, did you leave your cell at all during the night?" Frigga asks me out of nowhere.

Oh crap.

"Yes, when Loki asked me to come over to his cell. Why?"

"Did you leave the dungeons at all?" Thor continues the questioning.

"No, I didn't. Why do you ask?"

"My husband has fallen into the Odin sleep sooner than anticipated. Our healers fear that it was due to an outside magical influence".

"And what's the Odin sleep exactly?"

"Our father has lived for a long time, Lady Krystal. It is a regenerative rest that his body requires, but this time it is far deeper".

"So you automatically think that I had something to do with it, right?" I pretend to be offended.

"Without my father here so suddenly, our realm is under threat. We would normally have time to prepare".

"Like I said, I never left the dungeons".

I feel relieved now that I knew what the Odin sleep was because they might blame it on that instead of me.

"Are you certain of that fact?" Thor asks me one last time.

"Yes. Even ask Loki if you don't believe me".

I'm so confident in this moment that I've almost convinced myself that I hadn't really done anything wrong.

"She is lying" I hear Loki's voice coming from behind me.

"Are you quite certain?" his mother asks him.


"Loki, what are you doing?" I ask now that I can finally see him standing next to me.

"I witnessed you returning to your cell last night disguised as a palace guard, Krystal".

"Loki?" I start crying at his betrayal.

He walks up the steps and stands by his brother's side.

"What did you do to our father?" Thor questions me with anger in his voice this time.

"He deserved worse" I reply coldly as my tears of sadness stop flowing.

"Undo whatever magic you have done to him. Please?" Frigga practically begs me for help.

I feel nothing when I look at her for some reason, I didn't even feel sympathy.

"My son told me what happened in Hel with your mother" she adds.

"So?" I smirk.

"You feel different, don't you? Stronger and more powerful?"

"What of it?"

"This is not you, Krystal. The dark magic that courses through your body has begun to change you" she attempts to reason with me.

"Was it dark magic that corrupted your husband? Did it make him have me dragged through the woods bound and gagged? And so soon after his palace guards tried to defile and kill me?"

"We confronted him about his vile actions and my mother sent me to help you, as you very well know" Thor reminds me.

Like that makes much of a difference now.

"And if it weren't for this dark magic we'd still be trapped there, wouldn't we Thor? He wouldn't have sent a Bifrost to rescue us anytime soon once he found out that you'd betrayed him".

"Please, my love, agree to undo whatever you have done to my father. We can leave this realm together as soon as it is done" Loki pleads.

"Your love? You've betrayed me, Loki".

"You left me with no choice. I told you we should have fled, but you were set on getting your revenge".

"Why should you have to give up everything just because your father doesn't want us to be together? I did this for you".

"All I want is you, Krystal. I no longer desire revenge or even to live here on Asgard. I simply needed my wife by my side".

"I won't undo it. He hurt and betrayed you, just like my mother did to me and he'll die in his sleep knowing his failures".

I'd rid this kingdom of its tyrant King and my husband of his cruel father, but I was the one being judged for it.

My mind can't even process all of this when the guards are summoned back inside and I feel a collar being fastened around my neck.

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