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Hela and I spent the entire night in the cave together, but she gives me some serious serial killer vibes. Needless to say, I didn't spend too much of my time sleeping.

She's agreed to show me the way to where my mother is supposedly hiding today, so hopefully this won't take too long and I can finally end this.

"If you wish to reach the witch before nightfall then we must depart now".

"Let's get going then".

I have no idea how she can tell whether it's day or night because it's perpetually dark here. The sky is coated with the thickest layer of black clouds I'd ever seen which no light could ever penetrate.

We walk for hours, seeing no one else on our journey. My dress is slowly being torn to shreds on the jagged rocks that we have to weave between or climb over.

As much as I hated dresses, it only saddens me more because this, I suppose in a way, is was technically my wedding dress.

"We are almost there, it is just at the other side of this mountain. We may meet some resistance along the way".

She conjures a dagger, seemingly from nowhere and hands it to me. It appears to be so sharp that it could cut through just about anything, so it'll definitely come in handy later.

Shortly after, we can hear the voices of men arguing amongst themselves.

"Are you ready?" she whispers.

I nod before she steps out to reveal her presence to them, with the definite confidence of a goddess.

"Gentlemen, it is good to see you again".

"Hela, what are you doing here? The witch still demands your head" one of them tells her.

"I come with an intriguing proposal for the witch".

"What makes you think she will listen to you?"

"She will if she knows what is good for her. There are many cloaked assassins sent directly from Asgard here in the mountains, laying in wait at this very moment".

"Come with us".

Once they begin leading her away, she signals for me to follow closely while she's taken to my mother.

It isn't too far before I see a derelict, crumbling stone fortress that's entrance is under guard by various beings and creatures.

Soon after Hela enters, many of the beings begin flooding out of the fortress, possibly to look for these imaginary assassins that Hela had lied about.

I make my move towards the entrance, knowing I had to savour as much of my power as possible for what comes next.


Saying it just loud enough for all of the creatures to hear me, they fall like dominoes in a row.

Once I'm inside, it's eerily quiet and poorly lit, but when I look down I can see fresh muddy shoe prints on the floor from the dirt outside. At least I had something to follow through this labyrinth of corridors.

Finally, I find a set of doors, open just enough for me to pear through with a light coming through the gap, indicating to me that there's someone through there.

As I look through, I can see Hela standing in the middle of a room with a man at either side of her when the person I'd sought after for so long enters. My mother.

"Hela. I hear you wish to make me a proposition?"

"Indeed. There is to be an attempt on your life this day".

"So I've heard, but my army will dispatch them all and the threat will soon be over. Is there anything else, or shall I have my men behead you now?"

"Actually, I would be willing to make you a deal. My throne in exchange for your safety".

"Your throne? Don't make me laugh, Hela. You no longer have a throne, remember?"

"There is another witch here who seeks your life. If you return my throne to me, then I will tell you where she is and you may go on to live another day".

"Or you can tell me where she is now and you can have another throne. When I return to Asgard with my army, Odin will perish and you can finally be free from this place. Asgard can be all yours".

"I believe we have a deal".

"So where is she? Where is this witch?"

"She is hiding up in Western mountains, waiting for me as we speak. I told her I would meet her there within the next hour, so you do not have much time".

"Guards, send word to the others and put Hela somewhere more comfortable until I say otherwise".

Something warm unexpectedly covers my mouth and drags me off into a nearby room before letting me go.

"Calm down, it is me" Thor's voice whispers.

"Thor? What are you doing here?"

"I have come to rescue you".

He came to bring me back? I can't believe he came all the way here for me.

"I have to tell you something. Your father..."

"We know. He attempted to deceive us into believing you had fled to avoid the marriage".

"I know he's your father, but that man is a bastard of the highest calibre".

"Shhhh!" he hushes me when footsteps walk past the room we're in.

"Sorry. Where is Loki now, what did he do to him?"

"He refused to believe you had run away. Our father had him beaten and thrown back down in the dungeons".

"No, he can't do that!"

"I know. That is why mother used her magic to send me here to help you, so I can get you to safety while she watches over Loki".

"Thor, there's something else I should tell you about me and Loki".

"I already know about the wedding, Krystal. That is why father had you banished here. You were both seen by Heimdall".

"Are you angry with me?"

'No, I am truly happy for you both, as is our mother" he smiles and puts a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"We'll have to discuss this later, there isn't much time. There's a goddess called Hela here who's been helping me. She's already given my mother false information so she'll send as many guards looking in the wrong directions as possible".

"Hela? I have never heard of her?"

"Really? She told me she's from Asgard? Anyway, they're mostly going to be heading West, so there's going to be less resistance here".

"I am glad you have made it this far, tiny witch".

"Come on. We need to find Hela".

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