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"When exactly were you planning on enlightening me to this ridiculous arrangement you made with my brother?" he sounds angry and I don't blame him at all.

"It was stupid, I know that, but I thought it was the only way we could still be together after I married him. I'm sorry".

"So you have already agreed to it then? Are you going to lay with him before the wedding or after?"

"Don't do that".

"Do what? Ask you an honest question?" his expression is cold and emotionless, like he doesn't even care anymore.

"If I go to Hel and succeed then I'd be making a promise to this kingdom to give it an heir one day".

"So you are just going to lay there and let him have his way with you until he succeeds?"

"If that's what it takes when I'm ready, then yes".

"Why? Why are you doing this?"

"Because I have to. Do you really think I want to be with anyone other than you?"

"Clearly you do, otherwise you would have taken the opportunity to flee with me before".

"I don't want to have duty sex with your brother, to make a baby or otherwise!"

"So what do you truly want, Krystal?"

"I want to be with you, Loki".

"You do?"

"Of course I do".

"So what is stopping us?"

"Incase you haven't notice, I'm about to be announced as your brother's fiancée?"

He appears to calm down and his expression softens to one that seems determined.

"Then let us marry in secret before that happens. Once you return from Hel and the witch is dead, we will tell everyone the truth and we can be together as husband and wife".

"That's completely insane, Loki! What if we get punished and thrown back down in the dungeons for lying to everyone? You've only just got your freedom back".

"You said it yourself, my darling. What is life without a little risk?"

"I need a moment to think about this".

I sit down on a nearby bench, not knowing what to do before he kneels down in front of me and holds my hands in his.

"I cannot promise you a conventional life together, but I can promise you one filled with love. Marry me, Krystal?"

"Yes, Loki. I'll marry you" I smile.

"Come, we must go now" he looks so happy once I stands up and he starts leading me somewhere.

"Why, where are we going?"

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