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That weekend, all three of us head to Tony's party together to celebrate The Avengers success on their mission in Sokovia and the safe retrieval of that sceptre thing.

Even though we're going mainly to talk to Thor, Stephen had gone out and bought a pretty blue dress for me to wear tonight, while him and Wong are both wearing nice tailored suits.

Tony greets us when we arrive.

"You made it!" he's clearly been drinking a little.

"Sorry for crashing the party, Stark. Wong and I need to speak with Thor about something rather urgent".

"Sure, he's just over there, so I'll keep this lovely young lady company and get her something to drink" he offers me his arm.

"This is a nice place. It's really different from The Sanctum" I tell him as we walk together.

"Hopefully we'll be seeing a lot more of you around here soon. I just wanted you to know that I thought you were ready".

"Thanks, Tony".

"So why did those two decide to tag along with you to the party? Obviously you're a grown woman and don't need two chaperones".

"Oh, about that...two men kind of tried to kill me the other day while I was out for an early morning run".

"What the hell? Are you okay?"

"Well I'm not sure I would've been without those two coming to my rescue, but they were definitely sent to take me out and that's why they needed to talk with Thor".

"Why Thor?"

"They told me everything, Tony".

"About what exactly?" he continues to play dumb.

"That Thor sent me to them because I went a little crazy and I had my memory wiped. The men that came for me were Asgardian".

"That's not good. They don't think that Thor had anything to do with that, do they?"

"No, of course not, but he needs to know about it right?"

"I guess so. Come on, let's get you that drink".

I can't see Stephen, Wong or Thor anywhere around while I'm standing at the bar with Tony, so I'm assuming they've gone somewhere more private to talk.

Steve soon spots me from across the room and comes over to chat.

"It's good to see you again, I was worried you wouldn't come. You look really nice, by the way".

"Thank you, Steve. You don't look too bad yourself. I love the blue shirt".

"Well blue definitely looks a lot better on you" he smiles.

"Ugh, get a room you two" Tony jokes and walks away, leaving us alone at the bar.

"Sorry about him" he apologises on Tony's behalf, knowing he's been drinking.

"It's okay, honestly" I laugh it off to hide my embarrassment.

There's some seriously awkward silence between us after that, for a long while.

"Lady Star, may I have a moment alone?" Thor comes to rescue me from the silence between me and Steve.


Once we're by ourselves, I dare say that things are more awkwardly silent in here alone with him at first.

"I am truly sorry for the deception, but I need you to understand that I sent you to Strange to keep you safe".

"Stephen explained it the best he could and I get all of that, but why are people from Asgard trying to kill me now?"

"I do not know and I am the only Asgardian that knows of your whereabouts. You placed a cloaking spell over yourself even before my mother took your memories that I am assured is still in place".

"What if whoever wants me dead was actually following you, hoping that it might lead them to me? While you were all staying at The Sanctum, I went out for an early morning run in the park. Strangely enough, that's exactly where they found me the other day".

"I suppose that is entirely possible".

"I know that I hurt the King in some way and he's your dad, right? Do you think it could've been him that sent those men to kill me?"

"He is the only one that could have given such an order".

"So what do we do now?"

"As of tomorrow, you must hide as far away from here as possible until it is safe. I have already discussed this matter with Strange and he also agrees".

"So now that I'm finally settled somewhere, you're just going to ship me off to god knows where? I'm not running away".

"You have no choice".

"That's not fair. You gave me this new life so that I could have a choice and so I didn't have to be whatever evil destructive witch I was going to become".

"You are so different Star, and yet so much the same woman" he smiles sweetly.

"Oh my god. Were you and I...?"

"We may have kissed on one occasion, but that is a long story for another time" he looks really embarrassed.

"Well I'm still not leaving New York. If your dad really wants a fight, then I'll give him one".

"You would be challenging the most powerful god in existence and if any harm were to come to him, it would endanger all of Asgard. That is why you had to release him from your curse the first time".

"Maybe it's time for you to take over? Your dad's clearly crazy. I mean, what did he do to me before that made me curse him in the first place?"

"I cannot say, but my father made many unwise choices when it came to his treatment of you. I am truly sorry, Star".

I'm starting to realise why I probably wanted to forget everything in the first place after the level of crazy that clearly goes on where he's from.

"Well it seems he's doing the same thing all over again, doesn't it? I was happy not knowing any of this stuff, but he's dragged me back into it".

"Then I shall not utter another word of it".

"I'm serious, Thor. I don't want to know another damn thing about my life before this or anything else about your family. Your dad's obviously insane".

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