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It doesn't take long for the guards to bring me back. Loki already looks like he can't wait for me to share the events of what happened during the meal with his brother.

However before he has a chance to ask me about it, a guard enters his cell to remove his collar and quickly leaves.

"What happened?" he asks me while rubbing his neck that looks pretty sore from wearing the collar for so long.

"I may have deviated from the plan slightly".

"How exactly?"

"I told him what really happened and appealed to his better nature".

"Why would you do that?"

"It wasn't fair how they were treating you, Loki. You may be a lot of things, but you weren't the one that did that to me".

"You should not have done that".

"Why not? Don't you want to be able to repair your things and not worry about being beaten every day?"

"And here was I believing you did not care?" he laughs.

"I don't care, but that doesn't mean I'm a  completely heartless bitch. Plus, he kissed my hand just like you said he would".

"He did?" he seems surprised.

"Even after I told him the truth".

"I am quite impressed".

"Now hurry up and tidy your cell, it's offensive to my eyes".

After he repairs everything to the point that no one would've known anything had happened in there, the lights are turned off in the cells for the night.

I lay there thinking about what Thor and I had discussed earlier.



"Have you ever been in love?"

"I do not believe that anyone is able to commit such atrocities as I have and still be capable of feeling emotions such as love".

"You must have loved someone?"

"My mother. What about you, Krystal? Has there ever been someone to penetrate that heavily guarded heart of yours?"

"What makes you think my heart's guarded?"

"You prefer physical pleasure without emotion, you never lay with the same person more than once and you kept your eyes closed while you were with Skurge".

"Okay, you got me there".

"So have you?"

"I was in love with a mortal man once, but that was a very long time ago" I admit against my better judgement.

"What was he like?"

"Caring, handsome, charming, strong, and he was all mine. He didn't care whether I was a witch or not, he married me anyway".

"So you were married? What happened to him?"

"He died".

"Is that why you wish to die? So you may be reunited with the man you loved in the next life?"

"After I fell in love him, I used to wish there was a way for me to become mortal. I wanted us to be able to grow old together, but it wasn't possible".

"I have never heard of a witch wanting to sacrifice her long life for love".

"My father was a mortal man too".

"What about your mother?"

"She was a lot less than my father deserved. She was always jealous of how close me and my father were, but he was just being a good father. She always said that he loved me more than her".

"Is that not what fathers are supposed to do, to love their children above all others?"

"Not in her opinion. It only got worse when I got older and my magic grew stronger than hers. She saw me more as a competitor rather than her daughter".

"She sounds terrible".

"I still loved her in spite of all that, even after my father died. I always wanted to please her and prove myself".

"What happened that led to you not seeing her anymore?"

"There's some things that I don't like to think about too often. Goodnight, Loki".

"Goodnight, Krystal".

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