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In the morning, I pack my bags with only the necessities and get ready to leave. Stephen still hasn't told me where exactly I'm going yet or what I'll need, so I just take everything I can think of.

Wong has given me plenty of spell books to read through and is pretty insistent that I needed to continue my study even if I'm not here. He's not wrong.

"Are you ready?" Stephen asks with obvious sadness.

"I guess so. Will I be able to see you at all, or at least call you?"

"You can call or text us whenever you want, but we can't risk coming to visit you for a while".

I wrap my arms tightly around the both of them and say my tearful goodbyes before an amber portal is opened for me, which I step through hesitantly. This entire situation was so unfair.

I don't even pay attention to where it is they've sent me at first. I just keep looking back at them with tears still in my eyes as the portal slowly closes back up.

Once I get over the initial realisation that I'm now completely alone, I wipe my tears away and decide to go look around.

The house I'm currently standing in is absolutely huge and really modern, probably like something I'd imagine Tony Stark would own.

When I reach the windows of the lounge area, I look outside to see that this house is overlooking a beautiful lake.

There seems to be nothing but forest for miles around, not even another house in sight, so I probably won't be disturbed all the way out here.

My phone starts to ring in my pocket and I answer it quickly.

"Hi, it's Steve. Did you make it there okay?"

"I did. Stepping through a portal sure saves on cab fare. It's a really nice house".

"Tony says just don't break anything" he laughs.

"I'd already kind of guessed that this place reeks of Tony Stark".

"Maybe we can visit you out there when things have settled down, if you'd like?"

"I'd really like that. Steve, there's something I've been wanting to ask you since last night".

"Go ahead".

"If Stephen hadn't of walked in the room last night...what would've happened between us?"

"I don't know. What I do know is that I like you. That being said, I wouldn't want you to rush into anything you're weren't ready for".

"I like you too".

"Maybe when you do feel like you're ready, you could let me take you out for dinner sometime?"

"That sounds nice" I smile.

"So what's it like out there?"

"Quiet and peaceful. So in summery, it's definitely the kind of place I'd like to live. Tell Stark I'm keeping it".

"He definitely won't like that" he laughs at me.

"Well he's more than welcome to come down here and fight me for it. I'm definitely going for a swim in the lake soon, so can I call you later?"

"I'll be looking forward to it".

"Bye, Steve".


If I was going to be stuck living out here in solitude for the foreseeable future, then I may as well attempt to make the most of my time alone.

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