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I refuse every request to meet with Thor for over a week while I stew away in my cell, still pissed that he'd lied to me. I haven't even spoken to Loki since he seemed dead set against helping me in any way.

"If you've come to ask me to dinner on behalf of Thor again. then I'm not interested" I tell the servant girls as they approach my cell.

"It is King Odin and Queen Frigga that have requested your presence today, miss".

Holy shit, this could be it. I don't even hesitate to put the collar on and follow these women to the throne room where I find the King and Queen waiting for me.

"Lady Krystal" the King greets me.

"Hello again" I smile politely.

"Our son has informed us of the nature of that dreadful curse upon you".

I don't say anything in response to that because I didn't want to talk about it.

"In exchange for safe passage to Hel and your guaranteed return, I wish to make you an offer".

"What kind of offer?"

"Once you have been safely brought back to Asgard when you have vanquished the witch, we would like you to become a permanent resident of Asgard. You would be a valuable asset to the kingdom".

Can anyone else smell bullshit, or is it just me?

"I think you mean I'm a powerful weapon that you can use against Asgard's enemies, right?"

"Having you here would not be without its advantages".

"From what I've heard so far, your subjects aren't exactly big fans of witches. Especially according to the two guards that tried to murder me just over a week ago".

"Those guards are now dead and their opinion in no way represented the throne of Asgard" the Queen finally speaks up.

"So if I were to live here among your people, how could you possibly guarantee my safety from others who share those same opinions about witches?"

"We would like for you to marry our son and reside with us here in the palace".

"Excuse me?"

"It is quite obvious that Thor has developed affections for you. Once the witch is dead, you will be free to love and produce an heir to the throne".

"Let me get this straight. You want me to travel to Hel, kill the witch, then come back here to marry Thor?"

"We do not expect you to make this decision lightly, however we would wish you to at least consider it" she speaks sympathetically to me.

"What happens if I say no? Are you going to keep me locked away in that cell forever?"

"You will be returned to Midgard" the King informs me bluntly.

Essentially I lose either way. I could return home and get pushed one step further back from where I am now, or I could have my revenge, but marry and have children with a man that I don't even love.

"Thor will be returning to Asgard in three days time" the King informs me.

"You'll have my answer by then" I tell them.

I throw up on the way back to the cells. The very idea of marrying someone I barely know and be expected to have a baby with him is completely insane.

Sure Thor was a handsome guy, but I couldn't imagine being his wife so soon after meeting him.

"I'm okay, honestly" one of the servants looks worried as she removes my collar, so I reassure her.

I sit on the floor and take deep breaths while I try and focus on anything else. I think of my husband and wonder what he'd tell me to do in this situation.

He was always the strong one who knew exactly what to say and without him I felt lost and empty. I may give the impression that I don't need anyone else, but I want to be rid of this curse because I do.

Fifty years of being alone had taken a toll on me that I constantly worried could never be undone. Would I even know how to connect with someone once this was all over?


"She finally speaks".

"I need to tell you something".

"Tell me what?"

"Your mother and father said I can go to Hel and back if I agree to live here once it's over".

"Would that be so terrible? You could live in the most beautiful kingdom in all of the nine realms. You should be pleased".

"As your brother's wife".

"He has asked for your hand?"

"Your parents asked me on his behalf. I told them I'd give them my answer in three days when he comes back".

"You cannot honestly consider going through with this?"

"Why not? Thor has his flaws, but he's a nice person and this way I can get rid of my curse".

"You would marry a man you do not love? He will expect an heir".

"I'll finally be able to have children and I can learn to love him over time I guess".

"So you are really contemplating this madness?"

"If I say no they'll send me back to Earth and I'll never get this close to her again. What would you have me do?"

"You could always consider running?"

"Run where? I have no map remember? Or do you just like the idea of me getting caught and having to spend the rest of my life locked up down here with you?"

"No and quite honestly the very idea of many small versions of Thor running around here makes my skin itch".

"Is that the only reason?"

"What other reason could there possibly be?"

"Maybe the idea of my wedding night with your brother?"

"Do not be ridiculous".

"You're the one who said he doesn't deserve me, but without that map I'm out of options. I'll have to play the dutiful little wife to your brother for the rest of my life".

"You cannot marry my brother".

"It would appear that I've got no other choice. Once I say yes, I'll be given my own bed chambers and won't be allowed to stay down here anymore. Although you sure did make it interesting here, Loki".

"It was certainly less dull with you down here".

"Do you think they'll let me come down here and visit you sometimes?"

"Would you truly want to?"

"If only to annoy you, Mr Mischief",

I smile sadly, not wanting to think of what tomorrow may bring. Why was the idea of leaving the cells and Loki behind so daunting to me?

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