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We go out into the gardens as the day draws to a close and the sun begins to set. I have no idea what Loki's planning or what I'm supposed to do, but he seems eager to do it now.

"As a member of the royal family, I can perform the wedding ceremony myself. We can marry right here and now if you wish?"

"Screw it, let's go for it" I laugh in confusion at this crazy spontaneous series of events.

He takes both of my hands and gazes deep into my eyes.

"Lady Krystal of Midgard, do you take me, Prince Loki of Asgard to be your husband, to despise and defy until death do we part?"

"Yes, I do".

"And do I, Prince Loki of Asgard take you, Lady Krystal of Midgard to be my little witch wife, to despise and defy until death do we part? Yes, yes I do".

We both laugh and he raises my left hand to his lips and kisses my ring finger gently.

"With these yet to be given, but temporarily imaginary rings, I now pronounce us husband and wife. I may now kiss my bride".

I never imagined that Loki could be this goofy, romantic person he's being right now as he finally kisses me again. This was our second kiss ever, but it was our first kiss as husband and wife.

"So that's it, we're married now?"

"Yes we are, Mrs Mischief".

"Krystal Mischief? I really like that name".

"It suits you, my little witch wife".

After over six months of waiting, there was only one thing on my mind right now.

"Are you going to make me wait any longer, or can we go to my room right now and begin enjoying our wedding night?"

"Well you have told me yourself that you could outperform all others, and I have been waiting patiently to test that theory".

On our way back inside, we run into someone unexpected. It's Odin and he doesn't look pleased to see us alone together and in such good spirits no less.

"My son, may I speak with you privately for a moment?"

"Of course, father. I shall perhaps see you again tomorrow, Lady Krystal?" he gives me a knowing wink.

"Right. I'll see you tomorrow, Loki".

I walk back to my chambers in a good mood and I  can honestly say that I haven't been this happy in a long time. I'm a married woman, it seemed so unreal.

When I get to my room it's in complete darkness so I go to light some candles, wanting to set the mood for when Loki finally arrives.

I get this weird feeling that I'm not alone when suddenly, someone grabs me from behind and places what I think is one of those covers I'd worn before over my mouth.

I struggle as much as I can, but before I know it I'm collared, chained and being dragged away from the palace into the darkness outside. I can't make out who's taken me exactly, but without my magic I'm basically screwed at this point.

"She is a pretty one" I hear one of them say.

"Why are we doing this again?"

"These were King Odin's orders and it is not our place to question why".

Odin told these men to kidnap me? What else were they going to do? This must've been why he called Loki away, so I'd be alone when they came for me.

Please hurry up Loki and realise something's wrong before it's too late.

"This is it".

I see what's seemingly nothing but a dark hole in the ground and I have all sorts of questions running through head. The horrid thought that they're going to bury me alive being the one that comes to mind first.

"Grab her legs and throw her in" one of them instructs and I struggle with every ounce of strength I have to stop them.

"Do it now!" one of them yells once they've manage to pick me up between the three of them.

The next thing I feel is the sensation of falling, an almost never ending weightlessness that's almost like floating on the surface of water.


"Who are you?" an unfamiliar woman's voice asks me.

When I open my eyes, there's a woman standing over me wearing a dark cloak with a sword in her hand.

Looks like I'm not in Kansas anymore.

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