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Over the next few days, we continue training together, although being around him felt different now ever since we confessed that we both have feelings for each other.

I feel entirely drawn to him now, like there's some invisible force pulling us closer and I don't even want to fight it anymore.

"Focus, Star!" he shouts angrily after he knocks me off my feet.

In truth, I couldn't focus on anything at all because he's cruelly chosen to train with no shirt on today.

I felt sexually frustrated just looking at him. Wanting nothing more than to be kissed by him again, but having little confidence to initiate one myself.

"Maybe if you weren't strutting around here shirtless I might be able to concentrate a little better?" I blurt out.

"Do I distract you, little witch?"

"Like you don't already know that".

"Perhaps you wish to place another wager to refocus your attention?"

"The last one didn't turn out so great now, did it? However I'm willing to listen".

"If I win, then you will allow me to sleep in your bed this evening?"

"Just sleep?"

"Yes, although I may wish to hold you".

"Sounds fair. Although if I win, then you have to cook dinner tonight".

"Then we have ourselves a wager, my dear. Choose your weapon wisely".

He opts for his daggers, but I choose a staff this time. Wong would be disappointed in me if I lost using one of these after six months of training with one every single day.

Loki displays a determination to beat me that I hadn't seen since the day we first met out in the woods when he kicked my ass.

He manages to dodge every blow I try to land, when a clever idea comes to mind. I get low and strike the backs of his legs, taking them from under him.

Once he's lying flat on his back, I get on top of him.

"Looks like I win again".

"So what does my lady hunger for this evening?"

"I have a couple of ideas" I tell him as I lean down and place a tender kiss on his lips.

He doesn't allow me to stay on top for long and flips us over so he's now on top. I can feel him hardening against me when the kiss becomes more passionate and our mouths battle for dominance.

I'm no expert in that department, but this god feels huge.

"Umm, Loki?"

"Am I being too rough with you?"

"No, it's not that. I'm not delusional and I know that I've probably had sex before at some point, but I don't remember it".

"You are nervous?" he appears sympathetic.

"I guess this is what most people feel whether they're a witch, a god, a mortal or otherwise before their first time, right?"

"It is perfectly natural for you to feel apprehensive. I would never want you to do anything solely to please me before you are ready".

"Loki, you're a literal god. I'm just worried I'll be 'mediocre' at that too".

"When you are ready, it would be a privilege if you would also allow me to train you in the art of physical pleasure".

"A privilege, huh?"

"To be the first man to bed you thoroughly would be an honour I do not deserve".

"Let's see how good you cook first, shall we?" I laugh, pushing him off of me.

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