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As soon as we get outside and far enough away from the house, Skurge and I are both engulfed by a bright light. My eyes are tightly closed the entire time.

When I finally get the nerve to open my eyes again, we're somewhere entirely new, another world that's so different it's almost beyond belief. This is Asgard.

"The King is expecting you" a man wearing golden armour speaks.

I remain silent the on journey there until we arrive at a magnificent golden palace. Quickly I notice how everyone here is looking at me. They're scared of me?

"This way, miss" Skurge takes my arm.

After another few minutes of walking, we enter a large room where there's an old man who I'm assuming is the King, sitting on a golden throne waiting for us.

This is the man who's been trying to have me killed for months, but he has little reaction to seeing us approaching him.

"My King, I have brought you the witch as you requested".

"You have done your family proud. Now leave us".

Skurge quickly exits while the King rises to his feet and walks towards me. He's surprisingly frail and not what I expected at all, with every step taking a lot of effort.

"Do you know why you have been brought here?"

"No" I answer matter of factly.

"And you do not remember anything of your life before you were banished back to Midgard?"

"No, I don't".

"I had you brought back here today for a very important reason".

"Which is?"

"My life will soon be at an end. My son Thor has abandoned his position as next in line to the throne, which has left Asgard without an heir. He refuses to speak with me".

"What does that have to do with me?"

"My treatment of you when you were last here was unfair and I have behaved like a stubborn old fool. I have clearly alienated my last surviving son in the process".

"You sent people to kill me, even knowing that I don't remember who I was. I'm hardly surprised he doesn't want anything to do with you".

"I have revoked the bounty on your head, my dear. No further harm will come to you".

"And I'm supposed to be grateful? I've had to kill people because of you".

"I do not expect your forgiveness".

"Good, because you won't be getting it".

He goes back to the throne and sits down.

"Asgard needs the heir to take the throne once I am gone. I was hoping that by bringing you here, it would inspire my son to return so that we may speak".

"You had Skurge kidnap me so you could have a family reunion? Great idea" I reply sarcastically.

"I grew desperate and saw no other way".

"So what are you going to do? Have me locked away in the dungeons until he realises that I'm missing?"

"You will be given chambers to reside in until my son's arrival, at which time you shall be set free. You have my word".

"Sorry if I don't believe a single word that comes out of your mouth".

"I can hardly blame you for that. You will be taken to your chambers now so that you may rest".


Two women come and lead me away. Even if I was to attempt an escape now, where would I even go? This place is huge.

"Here we are, miss" one of them smiles.

It's beautiful inside the room I'm supposed to be staying in.

"We will draw you a bath, miss" one clearly notices that I'm covered in debris from the explosion and smell like smoke.

"The wardrobe already has appropriate attire inside for you to wear".

Once I'm alone, I get in the bath and start washing the dirt off of my body.

I hope Loki's okay, but I really wanted to know what him and Skurge were talking about before. What had those guards done to me while I was a prisoner?

I wish I was still back at the house with him. We would've been asleep in each other's arms by now. I also can't help but wonder what was he about to tell me before we jumped out of bed?

When I get dressed, I know that I'd definitely been here before. All these dresses were a similar style and material to the one I'd been wearing the day I fell through the roof of The Sanctum.

I try to get some sleep, but I can't. I'm scared that this is all some cruel plan of Odin's and the second my eyes are closed, an assassin is going to jump out and kill me.

I've got no weapons here and no possible way to escape, so I can only wait and hope that Loki will find Thor quickly and tell him where I am.

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