1- A Lovely Day

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It's a lovely day in the kingdom. With winter getting closer, nice days like these are rarer.

Cookies are enjoying the sunny weather with friends.

Most cookies, at least. Others enjoy staying inside and working on their own stuff, like Espresso.

He sets down his cup of coffee, preparing for another experiment with coffee magic, when he realizes he's missing a vital ingredient.

"How could I forget to stock up on these? I thought I put it on my list yesterday."

He walks over to another table, picking up yesterday's ingredients list.

He had forgotten to write it down.

He sighs. "It is a good thing I haven't started the experiment yet. Now, where did I leave my cape?"

He doesn't wear it when experimenting, ever since an incident which resulted in his cape catching on fire.

He looks in a mirror and smooths down his hair before clipping his cape on. He adjusts his glasses, grabs his wallet, and heads out.

Cookies greet him as he walks to the shops. He politely returns the greetings, but continues on his way.

After getting the ingredient, he takes a different route home. As he nears the donut shop, he realizes he's hungry.

He thinks to himself "I should get a box of donuts. I can eat some on the way home, and the rest later."

The smell of donuts gets stronger as he gets closer. He smiles slightly, then goes inside.

There's a small line, but that's alright with him. He can wait a few more minutes.

Just as he reaches the counter, he hears loud, hearty laughter outside of the building.

"Oh no."

He quickly orders, when the door swings open. Madeleine smiles and starts talking to the people in the shop.

Espresso waits silently for his order to be done, not wanting to be noticed.

Soon, his order is ready. He does a polite smile and quietly thanks the cookie before turning to the door.

He's halfway there when Madeleine spots him. "Espresso Cookie!"

Espresso walks faster.

Madeleine watches as Espresso hurries out the door. "I guess he has other things to do."

Then he goes to order some donuts.

Meanwhile, Espresso is speedwalking slightly to get further away. He turns and sees that Madeleine isn't following him, then slows down.

He opens his box of donuts and starts eating one while walking home.

When cookies say hi to him, he smiles politely and waves. It would be rude to talk with his mouth full.

"Of all the places on Earthbread, why is that obnoxious cookie always near me?"

He eats another donut, slowing down more without noticing.

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