6- Comforting Espresso

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While Espresso peacefully sleeps, a single cake hound runs deep into the enemy cookie's territory.

It bumps into someone's leg.

They look down. "Oh, do you have news for me?"

The cake hound barks. The cookie gently pets it's head. "You've traveled far, come, let us get some food for you."

The cookie gently picks up the hound, carrying it to the cake hound's feeding grounds.

They gently set down the hound, who eats a bunch before coming back and barking more.

"You say that a cookie collapsed in the woods? Do you know who it was?"

The hound barks more.

"It was Espresso cookie? And he mentioned 'crashing' every four days? This is very useful information indeed!"

They pet the cake hound. "You have done well! Now, go rest. You've earned a good break."

The cake hound happily makes its way to its favorite resting spot.

Red Velvet stands up to his full height. "I must tell the others about this."

He turns and starts walking.

*+*the middle of the night*+*

Madeleine walks down the road, holding a box. He isn't wearing any armor, and his hair is tied up in a ponytail.

No one who saw him would be able to recognize him easily.

A few cookies are awake at this time, usually on night watch duty. Blackberry cookie is one of them.

She watches Madeleine from a distance, not sure what to do yet.

Madeleine trips on his own pants, but catches himself.

He then walks up to Espresso's door, opening it just enough to push the box through.

Once the box is inside, he closes the door and turns to leave, but is met with Blackberry staring at him.

He yelps, then calms down. "Oh, Blackberry! You startled me."

"Madeleine? What are you doing out here in the middle of the night?"

"I was bringing food to Espresso, but I shouldn't enter his home without permission, so I put it just inside the door."

"Why were you bringing food?"

"When he wakes, he will need something to eat."

Blackberry smiles a little. "It's nice of you to help him."

"He is my friend, and as a knight it is my duty to help protect the kingdom and its citizens."

Blackberry nods. "Well, I should get back to my patrol. You should rest."

Madeleine nods. "You are a great protector." Then he yawns. Blackberry gently turns him towards his home. "Go rest."

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