30- Wait What-

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Vanilla holds part of the crossbow bolt, yelling "Oh OW! Why did you do that?! It hurts a very lot!"

"Good. Monsters like you deser-"

Vanilla starts laughing. He stops holding the bolt up to his chest, which is unharmed. "You- You actually thought you hurt me?? I sounded so fake!"


"That was hilarious!" He throws the bolt to the side, where it gets stuck in a tree.

"In all seriousness though.." His tone grows dark.

"If you ever try that again, I will kill you with your own crossbow."

"You? You're too weak. I'm surprised you don't keep a weapon on you at all times."

"I don't have to."

Pastry tries to shoot him again. He catches the bolt. "What did I just-"

GingerBrave sees the two of them, but Vanilla is facing away from him. "VANILLA! There you are!"

Vanilla quickly turns around, smiling innocently and hiding the bolt behind his back. His tone goes back to normal

"Hi GingerBrave! Do you need something?"

"No, we were just worried when we couldn't find you."

"Why were you worried?"

GingerBrave looks at Pastry, who still has her crossbow aimed at Vanilla. "Pastry cookie is- She's aiming a crossbow at you!"

Vanilla looks at her. "That's rude."

Pastry takes a step back. "He threatened to kill me!"

"Why would I do that?"

"You're an evil cake monster!"

Vanilla tilts his head slightly. "What do you mean? I'm harmless." He snaps the metal bolt in half while saying that.

He drops the two pieces and turns to face her. "You should put the crossbow down. It's dangerous, and you wouldn't want anyone to get hurt, would you?"

She takes another step back. "I need backup if we need to save this kingdom."

Vanilla gets distracted by a bird, so Pastry shoots.

He reacts a second too late.

Luckily he did turn enough so that it only hit his arm.

GingerBrave yells for the others, then starts fighting with Pastry to get the crossbow away from her.

She does manage to shoot Vanilla in the leg before GingerBrave knocks her down.

The others show up and move to protect Vanilla while Herb heals him.

Pastry cookie sees how many cookies are willing to defend Vanilla. "This whole place is full of tricked cookies! I must tell Reverend Mother!"

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