46- The Lies of the Order

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Pastry cookie looks down. "I.. I realized that the Order... They were wrong. I was close to realizing it after the encounter with Red Velvet in the Tower, but.."

She's shivering. "They managed to make me believe in them more, which is why I tried to kill you and Red Velvet. Afterwards, I was thinking about the Tower and this kingdom, and that's when I realized what had truly happened."

Vanilla looks at the symbol on part of the bolt. "Why were they trying to kill you?"

"I know the secrets of the Tower. They do not want the secrets to be spread."

"Do you need a place to stay?"

Pastry nods. "I'll find somewhere.. hopefully..."

"You can stay with me. I'm fine sleeping on the couch, since it's comfy!"


Sprinkles bumps into Vanilla's legs. Then he hears Chiffon barking.

Vanilla turns and sees Red Velvet and Chiffon running over. Vanilla smiles "Hi Red Velvet! Hi Chiffon!"

Red Velvet sees Pastry. "Why is she here??"

"She escaped a cult that is now trying to kill her because she knows about the Tower."

Red Velvet stares at him. "... What?"

Sprinkles jumps onto Pastry's lap. She yelps and leans slightly away, but Sprinkles barks and lays down.

Vanilla looks at the two of them "They like you!"

"Oh." She doesn't move.

"Anyways, Red Velvet." Vanilla turns to face him. "Is it ok if Pastry stays with us? I'm fine sleeping on the couch because it's comfy."

Red Velvet looks at Pastry. "Hm.. As long as she doesn't have her crossbow in the house, it should be fine. I still don't exactly trust her yet."

Pastry sighs "Thats understandable."

*+*a few days later*+*

Pastry did apologize for the earlier incident. Vanilla's happy that she isn't trying to kill anyone.

Pastry has been narrowly avoiding death. The Shadow Sister is still after her.

One of the Shadow Sister's main obstacles?

Vanilla Cupcake.

He's terrifyingly good at catching their crossbow bolts.

Speaking of Vanilla, he's walking to the smithy while holding a paper.

Pastry, Latte, and Red Velvet are with him, but walking further behind.

Avocado cookie isn't busy right now, which is good for Vanilla.

He shows the drawing to her. "Do you think you could make this?"

Avocado takes the paper and looks it over. "Yep! Why do ya need it?"

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