74- Pick a Struggle!

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Holy shit it's been TWO YEARS since I started this? It's been so long.

Life's been hectic and I have college now so apologies for not writing sooner lol.

Let's hope I update before next year!


Dark Enchantress stares down at Espresso, "I bet you're wondering why I kidnapped you."

Espresso slowly sits up, shivering, "Uh, yeah.. You've been doing this for about two years. Aren't you tired of kidnapping me?"

"Tired? Yes. Of kidnapping you? Not so much. Listen, I need your magic-"

"You've said that before! And you haven't explained it any of those times!"

Dark Enchantress leans on its staff, "Do you happen to know of any forbidden tomes with spells on how to steal the magic from other living creatures?"

Espresso stares at her, "Why..?"

"No reason in particular..."

Venti groans, "Do you all have no electricity?! Like, it's SO dark in here!"

Latte nods, "Yeah.. It's really hard to see."

Venti snaps her fingers and a bunch of glowing orbs appear around the room. She scrunches up her face, "Eugh, nevermind, when's the last time somebody sweeped in here?"

Dark Enchantress stops leaning on its cane, "Keep the lights on."

"You're gonna have to explain whyyy, 'cause this place is like, really ugly."

Dark Enchantress sighs, "Fine. EP has been stealing my magic through the shadows. The bright lights stop that."

Madeleine gestures to himself, "Why didn't you grab me first? I am a light mage after all."

"That is a temporary solution. Espresso can help me find a permanent one."

Espresso crosses his arms, "I am a coffee mage. My realm of expertise lies in that field. Even if I wanted to, I cannot help you develop or find a spell to steal magic from someone."

Pomegranate holds out a small notebook, "Licorice and I have been working on this for a while now. You can use my notes."

Espresso opens it, "Holy shit. I can't- what does this even say??"

Pomegranate scoffs, "My handwriting isn't that bad."

"It's not your handwriting. Trust me, I would know. There's no diagrams, the formatting is all off. Is that a drawing of you kissing-"

Pomegranate snatches the notebook, "I will take that back if it's of no use to you!"

Espresso rolls his eyes, "Even Madeleine doesn't distract me that much."

Licorice claps his hands together, grinning, "Lucky for you, I also took a few notes!"

A licorice servant walks forward, carrying a thick notebook. It's struggling under the weight. Espresso takes the book and the servant plops down on the floor, looking relieved.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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