64- Sunrise With A New Friend

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Venti and Canelé haven't managed to kill each other yet.

Venti almost hits Canelé, who deflects a second attack.

Venti laughs, "Getting tired yet, old lady?"

Canelé's grip on her weapon loosens. Venti notices and lunges at her, spear aimed at her chest.

Canelé grabs the spear shaft, kicking Venti to the floor. She puts a foot on Venti's chest, "Oh please. Is that really the best insult you could think of?"

She raises the bec de corbin over her head. Venti laughs, "You can't do much damage with a spike that small. I can just heal it!"

"You have great healing abilities. Such a shame they'll be gone."

Venti glares at her, "You can't kill me."

Canelé turns the bec de corbin so the hammer head is facing forward instead of the blade.

Venti's eyes widen, "What are you doing?!"

Canelé steps off of Venti, then quickly swings the hammer into the side of Venti's head.

She's unfazed by the sound.

She sighs, shaking her head, "Such a shame indeed."

She pulls some chunks of dough off of the hammer before making her weapon disappear.

She drops the chunks on the floor, then looks at her hand and sighs, "I just got my nails done.. Actually, the red does look nice with this dress."

She double checks that Venti is dead before leaving the building. She uses magic to clean the blood off of herself.

"That's better. I forgot how relaxing it is to take care of monsters like this. Now... Time to deal with that monster I saw earlier."

The trees rustle with a slight breeze.

Or was there something else?

Nah, Espresso and Madeleine deserve a break, don't they?

While Vanilla is on his patrol, he shivers, "I'm not alone..."

He turns around, but there's nothing there. He tightens his grip on the hilt of his sword, walking again.

Canelé spots him, then silently creeps up behind him. Vanilla stops walking, putting his hands on his hips and smiling, "Wow, tonight is such a nice night!"

Canelé summons her bec de corbin and raises it above her head, when Vanilla turns and makes eye contact, "Wouldn't you agree, Canelé?"

She freezes, "How did you-"

Vanilla faces her, smiling, "Would you like to walk with me?"

Canelé makes her bec de corbin vanish, "I can kill it later. When it least expects it."

Vanilla glances to the side, then makes eye contact again, "Is that a no..?"

Canelé scoffs, crossing her arms, "I suppose a walk wouldn't hurt."

Vanilla smiles more, acting more energetic than he actually is, and continues his patrol, "I think the sun will be rising soon. I know some nice spots to watch it rise."

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