10- Grape Juice

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*+*The next day*+*

They're on the road again. When Espresso asked about the dream, Madeleine quickly said he didn't remember anything, despite the fact that he does.

Now they're walking next to each other, though Madeleine stays slightly behind Espresso. "How soon should we reach the next town?"

Espresso looks at the map. "Hmm.. About thirty minutes. Why?"

"Am I not allowed to be curious?"

"I was only wondering. You haven't talked much today"

"Would you rather I talk? I can find plenty of things to talk about."


"I can complain about you being too tall if you'd like me to."

"How am I too tall?"

Madeleine speeds up so he's in front of Espresso, then puts his hands on his cheeks.

Madeleine pulls Espresso's face down to be eye level with him.

Espresso looks at him. "Please remove your hands from my face."

"Look at how far you have to bend down!"

"I don't have far to bend. This does feel uncomfortable, though."

Madeleine lets go of his face.

Espresso stretches. "Hopefully they have some form of caffeine I can get."

"You have coffee magic. Can you not make your own coffee?"

Espresso stops moving for a second, then facepalms "I can make my own coffee. I just need a cup."

Madeleine giggles, and the two continue walking together.

Espresso crosses his arms "I haven't had caffeine for roughly two days now. I'm bound to forget stuff. Plus, I've been focused on getting home."

"You were asleep last night."

"How do you know if that was true?"

"You were snoring."

"I do not snore!"

Madeleine chuckles "Yes, you do snore!"

"Well, you talk in your sleep."

Madeleine's face goes red, and he stops talking.

After a few minutes, Espresso asks "Why did that make you so quiet?"

"I most likely said something embarrassing..."

"You were mumbling something along the lines of 'something something can't reach your face.'"

Madeleine's face somehow gets more red. "Oh.. That."

"What was the rest of that sentence? I'm curious."

"It.. Is too embarrassing to tell."

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