42- T H U N K

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The next morning, Madeleine is making breakfast, Mocha is still asleep, and Espresso is sitting at the table.

He may or may not be tied to the chair with a blanket.

"Madeleine, please let me go back to my lab."

Madeline hums happily "Breakfast is almost done."

"I could be doing something productive right now!"

"It would be harder to bring you downstairs to eat."

"That's besides the point!"

"Espresso, the point is that you need to eat."

Espresso glares at the back of Madeleine's head, since he's facing away from Espresso. "How am I supposed to eat if I am tied to a chair?"

"Well, I could either feed you myself, or I could untie you once the food is ready."

"Why don't you untie me now?"

"You'll run upstairs."

Espresso stays quiet.

Madeleine finishes breakfast and sets the plate in front of Espresso. He unties the blanket and drops it on the chair next to Espresso.

Espresso tries to get up, but Madeleine prevents that. "Eat your food. Then you can go upstairs."

Espresso grumbles, but eats the food. Madeleine sets a cup of coffee on the table, then rests his head on Espresso's.

Espresso takes a sip of the coffee. "Why are you leaning on me like that?"

"I feel tall again."

Espresso rolls his eyes, but continues eating.

Madeleine starts quietly singing.

Espresso grumbles a little, finishing the food.

He drinks the coffee. Madeleine is still singing.

"Madeleine, please stop singing."

"But it is a nice song."

"I don't want to hear it right now. I want to get back to work."

Madeleine stops singing, but he hums instead.

Espresso grumbles more. "I finished my food. May I please go back to my lab?"

Madeleine kisses the top of Espresso's head. "Of course."

He picks up the empty cup and plate, carrying them over to the kitchen. "I have to go on patrol soon."

Espresso gets up. "Be careful.."

"Do not worry, I will be fine. I am the great Madeleine cookie, after all!"

"You know what? I don't know why I asked. You're so reckless anyways."

Madeleine frowns.

Espresso gently puts his hand on Madeleine's face. "Don't look at me like that."

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