71- A Handful Of Vanilla Cupcake

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Vanilla Cupcake wakes up. EP is carrying him.

Vanilla starts kicking him, "WHY DIDN'T YOU KILL ME?!"


"NO!" He slaps EP in the face, making him drop him.

Vanilla hits him again, knocking him down, "YOU SHOULD HAVE KILLED ME!"

EP tries to get up, but Vanilla sits on his chest and starts punching him in the face repeatedly while crying, "THIS IS THE ONE TIME I BEG YOU TO DO SOMETHING AND YOU DIDN'T DO IT!"

Vanilla screams, "I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I-"


Vanilla stops. EP isn't breathing.

Vanilla glances in the direction of the sound, but there's no one there.

Then he looks down.

There's someone staring at him, shaking slightly.

Vanilla stands up, slowly walking towards them.

It squeaks and blasts him with magic before tumbling backwards and passing out.

When Vanilla recovers from the light that came with the magic, everything is different.

It's too big. Vanilla Cupcake can't handle it and passes out.

When he wakes up, he's in someone's pocket.

He tries to stand, but because the pocket doesn't exactly have a floor, he's struggling.

Vanilla eventually grabs the edge of the pocket and pulls himself up so he can see over the edge.

EP is sitting up, rubbing part of his face with his hand, "That hurt..."

Vanilla tries to climb out of the pocket, but the person who's pocket he's in catches him.

EP looks at him, "Is that.. Is Vanilla tiny?"

The person holds Vanilla out for EP to take, "Sorry! I just- I reacted without thinking! I don't know how to reverse it!"

EP gently takes Vanilla, who's trying to get away from him.

He squeezes him lightly, "Nilla.. Stop."

"Let me go!"

"No! You could get lost so easily!"

"That doesn't matter!"

"You could die!"

"I don't care!"

Vanilla bites EP's hand. It doesn't work.

It just feels kinda itchy.

EP rolls his eyes, "You aren't as strong as you were before."

Vanilla stops biting him.

"I'm not..?"


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