19- Consume the Knowledge

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*+*90 minutes later*+*

Madeleine looks around at the now clean room. "Am I allowed to get out of the box now?"

Espresso looks at him. "In a few minutes."

Madeleine is a sad.

Espresso turns to Latte. "Again, thank you so much for helping me clean up."

Latte nods, then notices the clock. "Oh! I have somewhere I was supposed to be! I'll come back later to make sure you're ok!"

Latte runs out.

Espresso sighs. "I should get her a watch. Even then she might manage to be late though."

Madeleine leans on the one side of the box. "Espresso, am I allowed to leave the box now?"

"Yes, you can leave the box."

Madeleine leans too far forward, which makes the box fall over.

He gets up, then runs into the other room. Espresso follows him.

Madeleine finds Espresso's spare glasses, then puts them on. He turns to look at him. "I'm the Espresso now."

"Take those off!"


Espresso walks over to him. "Madeleine, I said take them off."

"Why? You aren't wearing these glasses."

"Because I keep those glasses in case I break the ones I'm wearing right now."

Madeleine takes off the glasses. "But now my outfit is incomplete."

"You don't need glasses. I do." Espresso takes the glasses and case from Madeleine.

Madeleine looks around, then runs over to the closet.

Espresso quickly puts the spare glasses back, then follows Madeleine.

Madeleine is holding one of Espresso's capes. "How do you wear this?"

"I will not tell you."


"I don't want you wearing my capes."

He takes his cape back and puts it away. Madeleine reaches for another, but Espresso pushes him away from the closet.

Madeleine walks over to the dresser. "Clothes!"

Espresso follows, stopping Madeleine from opening the drawers. "They are not your clothes."

"But I am wearing some of them."

"I gave you the first outfit, then you took those without me knowing."

"You've been wearing that outfit for a long time now."

"Then can you leave the room for a minute so I can change? Don't go looking for stuff."

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