69- (Nice lol) He's On His Villain Arc

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*+*An hour later*+*

Licorice runs into the room, "There's five intruders! And they have two cake wolves!"

Vanilla looks up just as Madeleine kicks the door open. The door smacks Licorice in the face, "OW!"

Dark Enchantress chuckles, "Oh, are you here to see your friend?"

Sprinkles runs over to Vanilla, who moves away from them, terrified, "No- No! Sit!"

Sprinkles sits, tilting their head.

Red Velvet asks, "Vanilla? What's wrong?"

"I don't wanna hurt Sprinkles!"

Dark Enchantress turns its attention to Vanilla, "Well it seems that your.. 'friends' have shown up to take you back to that kingdom full of fragile cookies."

Vanilla is quiet, so she continues, "All they want is to have your strength on their side. You know they're terrified of you. You know they think you're a monster."

Red Velvet glares at her, "We do not!"

Dark Enchantress chuckles again, "Oh? But look what he did to Espresso con Panna."

She gestures to EP, who's trying to heal the cracks in his body.

They're not from Vanilla Cupcake.

It says, "He's been healing himself for the past hour."

Red Velvet takes a step closer. Vanilla takes a step back, then death glares at Red Velvet, "You need to leave."

He shivers, "Vanilla..?"


"What- Why?!"

"I'm a danger to literally everyone around me! I broke your arm accidentally! I broke the fucking floor! Do you really think I should be near anything alive?!"

EP is done healing himself. He slowly stands up, towering over everyone in the room.

Espresso looks at him, "Did you kidnap Vanilla?"

EP shakes his head, "I followed him to make sure he'd be safe but then we both got kidnapped."

Dark Enchantress laughs, "Don't lie, Espresso con Panna. Your goal was to bring him home ever since we brought you back."

Vanilla stares at EP, who crosses his arms, "No, I was sent to spy on the kingdom. I don't want to be here right now."

Vanilla has a blank expression, "Then why don't you leave."

"I don't want to leave you behind."

"But you heard Pomegranate. I'm a horrible person. I'm a danger to everyone around me. I hurt you."

EP takes a small step closer, "Nilla, you aren't a horrible person-"

"YES I AM!" He stomps one of his feet, cracking the floor and making the building shake again.

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