9- Madeleine Thinks About Espresso

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They reach a town. Madeleine stops quietly singing. "A town! We can rest there, then get directions and supplies."

"I can finally put you down."

"I offered to walk hours ago. You refused."

"You would've picked me up and carried me instead."

"Hey, that's not.. no.. that is true."

Espresso rolls his eyes, a small smile visible.

Madeleine looks at Espresso. "So shall we-" Espresso turns his head to see Madeleine. Their faces are very close.

Madeleine freezes up. "He is close enough for me to kiss- Kiss?? What am I thinking?! Espresso is my friend!"

Espresso tilts his head to the side slightly. "Shall we what?"

Madeleine blushes and looks away, laughing nervously. "I uh- We should um.."

His voice drops to barely a whisper "I dare not suggest what I am thinking."

"What are you mumbling about?"

"I will not tell you."

"Why are you blushing?"

Madeleine blushes more. "I am not blushing!"

Espresso gently sets him down, then looks at him. "Yes, you are. Even more than before."

Madeleine pulls some of his hair in front of his face to hide. "You cannot see my face, therefore you do not know."

Espresso gently moves Madeleine's hair out of his face.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, I am fine."

Espresso still looks a bit concerned.

Madeleine turns to the town. "Supplies! Let us go get those!"


"And directions!"

Espresso lets out a long sigh, then follows Madeleine. "Let me handle the talking."

"Then I shall carry stuff."

"As long as you stay quiet and don't draw attention to us, you can do that."

Back in enemy territory, Red Velvet is following the trail of broken branches Madeleine left behind.

"They couldn't have gotten too far."

Licorice asks "How did you manage to lose someone who was asleep? Even I could keep track of a sleeping person."

"He must've been awake for some time, pretending to sleep."

"What will we do about that annoying knight?"

"I'm not sure yet. He needs to be alive though. At least, until Espresso truly joins us."

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