72- Dark Enchantress Gets Ratioed (One Year Anniversary!!)

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It has been one year since I started this fic holy shit thank you for the support oh my god-

Anyways, enjoy!

Orange Shortbread and EP are staring at Vanilla Cupcake, who's sitting in the middle of a table.

EP, who has to duck even while sitting, asks, "So uh.. How do we deal with this?"

"Oh!" Orange Shortbread runs over to a shelf and gestures to it, "He can use all the stuff I accidentally shrank before!"

Vanilla Cupcake, mildly upset, "I have to live in a dollhouse?!"

EP very gently pokes him, "Do you want to get stepped on?"


"Then dollhouse it is."

Orange Shortbread tilts their head, "While I don't have a dollhouse, we could either steal one or turn the bookshelf into one."

Antonio, the giant British ant, crawls over, "Why do you trust this fellow so much, hm? From what I gather, you never met before today."

Vanilla asks, "Can we please get an actual dollhouse if we're really doing this? One that closes??"

EP nods and vanishes into Orange Shortbread's shadow.

Antonio hops onto a chair and looks at Vanilla, "Is that food?"

"Antonio, no."

"It looks like food."

"Don't jump on the table-"

Antonio jumps on the table.

Orange Shortbread quickly scoops up Vanilla and puts him in its pocket, "ANTONY! You're better than this!"

Antonio somehow gasps, "How DARE you! I told you to NEVER call me that again!"

"Well, I'll call you Antony again if you don't get off the goddamn table!"

Antonio hops off the table, absolutely scandalized.

Vanilla Cupcake peeps, "This is so weird..."

Orange Shortbread gets him out of their pocket, "The being small or the giant ant?"


EP returns with The Dollhouse, which he sets on the table, "So uh... What now?"

Orange Shortbread sets Vanilla down in front of the dollhouse.

Vanilla asks, "Are there stairs inside I can actually use when it's closed?"

"I think so?"

Vanilla sighs and ducks slightly while walking in.

A second later, he runs out again, "I can't use the stairs! EP you're USELESS!"

EP sighs, picks up the dollhouse, then vanishes.

Vanilla barely has the chance to sit down angrily before Antonio snatches him.

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