Late night drives

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Ranboo POV:

This was beginning to hurt.

Staying up til late at night because I can't sleep, and driving to Tubbo to pick him up at a party, or from his boyfriends house or just anything.

I didn't have a problem being at Tubbo's beck and call, my problem was that everytime I saw him, and the butterflies came. My problem was him not feeling to me what I feel for him.

But I've grown used to it.

So here I am, outside a party in my car listening to drivers license at full volume waiting for Tubbo to tell me to pick him up.

I knew he'd do it at some point so I thought I may aswell just wait.

It didn't take long, just a couple energy drinks and a few Olivia Rodrigo songs. But Tubbo finally left the party, stumbling along the drive way and swaying his hips almost falling over.

I quickly got out of the car and rushed to Tubbo, holding him up.

"Heyyyyy buddy" Tubbo slurred as I let him lean onto me whilst we got to the car.

"Hey Tubs are you ok?" I asked

I walked around the car and got in allowing Tubbo to strap himself in as best he could however I eventually had to step in

"I'm alright but I do have one issue" Tubbo whined

"Oh yeah... what's that?" I asked, finally clicking in the seatbelt and putting my car into gear.

"Jason kissed someone" Tubbo practically Shouted next to my ear

Jason was Tubbo's boyfriend. I'd gotten used to Tubbo talking about him to me, after all he doesn't know that I like him so it's only fair he talks about his boyfriend to me, because I'd let him talk about anything so long as it made him happy, or if he needed to get something out

"Oh... that's- that's not good" I said, glancing at him before looking back at the road

"Well he said he was just drunk and that it didn't mean anything so I forgave him, but my issue was Is
That the other guy was cute...cuter than me" Tubbo sighed, his mind clearly foggy

"Tubbo... I can assure you no one is cuter than you" I said, I could feel my face turn read even though Tubbo assumed I mean it platonically

"You're just saying that because you're my friend"

'Oh if only you knew'

"I'm not 'just saying that' Tubbo. You're adorable, like a little bee" I said

Tubbo let out a little giggle and said "buzz buzz" as he placed his fingers on my face waving them about slightly

"Tubbo I'm trying to drive" I smiled

"Then stop" he returned

"Nope" I said popping the 'p' "I've gotta get you home"

"No! I promised my mum I wouldn't go to another party this month " Tubbo panicked

I could see the fear in his eyes, however it did sober him up a bit

"Alright, you can stay at mine" I sighed

Tubbo smiled softly and laid back into the seat of my car.

Eventually he fell asleep.

When I got back to mine I picked him up and carried him inside, laying him onto my bed

'I'll take the couch'

Suddenly there was a knock at the door

"Whose knocking at this time" I said to myself

I opened the door and saw Tommy, he looked rather tired, but he had the look of 'really' on his face

Before he said anything I spoke "I know! But he's drunk and I can't just leave him"

Tommy let out a sigh "you have to stop doing this to yourself Ranboo... it's not good for you"

"I know but you know how I feel" I returned

"And that's exactly why I'm not going to tell you to stop...
Just take care of yourself"

Late night drivesWhere stories live. Discover now