I did a bad

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Tubbo POV:

Ranboo dropped me off at wilburs house, as I waved goodbye to him I started heading towards the door and knocked

It took a couple minutes and a small amount of banging from within the house but the door was finally opened

"Tubbo? Hey man you good" Wilbur smiled

I stepped inside without being invited and sat on his couch placing my head in my hands

"Tubbo? What's wrong" he asked

"I fucked up... badly" I cursed

"Is it because you went to Jason's party?"

"You know about that?" I asked looking up from my hands to see Wilbur looking down at me with a spare drink on his hand offering me the glass

"Oh yeah. He kept bragging about the fact he's got you back... I didn't want to believe it and I thought those hickeys were a one time thing but I guess you do you" Wilbur shrugged sitting down next to me

"I'm sorry about Jason. I don't want to be with him I just- I wanted a distraction... but going to the party wasn't the worst thing that happened" I sighed

"Oh my god... you didn't fuck him did you?" Wilbur panicked spitting out some of his drink

"Eww! No fuck no absolutely not... I- I kissed Ranboo"

Wilbur turned to me, dead silent.

Then a smile began forming in his face, that slowly turned into a giggle

"No... no you did not. He wasn't even at the party" Wilbur returned

"No he wasn't... I called him when I left, he came to pick me up- I told him I hated Wayne and then I kissed him then I made it worse" I cried

"How could you make THAT worse" Wilbur laughed

"When I woke up this morning I pretended I forgot" I shouted

Wilbur practically started crying from how hard he was laughing

"This isn't funny. I'm being serious!" I screamed

Wilbur finally began catching his breath
"I know, I know" he breathed

"Listen Tubbo, you've gotta tell him, how's he going to react to thinking he's the only one who knows. What if he tells Wayne?" Wilbur started listing off of all the things that could go wrong

"I KNOW! I know how badly I've fucked up and it'll ruin the only thing that makes Ranboo happy"

"If you believe that then you're delusional" Wilbur chuckled

I looked up at him "what do you mean?"

"Ranboo still loves you! It's so obvious, he hasn't told Wayne he loves him. Just because they make out and laugh with each other doesn't mean they're destined to be" Wilbur spoke

"What do you suggest I do"

"Tell Ranboo and see how he reacts, see if he still loves you like I know he does"

"And what about Wayne?" I asked

"He'll have to realise that it was never meant to be"

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