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Ranboo POV:

As soon as his hand connected with Tubbo's face, it was almost as if I felt it myself.

The emotional pain causes from Tubbo being hit was enough to physically hurt me aswell

So I rushed to his aid, tackling Jason to the floor.

I proceeded to hit him whilst he was down, however he grabbed my arms forcing me to stop

"Oh you wanna go for round two!" He shouted pushing me off of him.

I turned around quickly to see Tubbo being helped up by Wilbur and Tommy, Tubbo was crying and I could see the bruise beginning to appear

"GO! GET HIM OUT OF HERE!" I instructed Tommy

"No we're not leaving you!" Tommy shouted back

"I can handle him!" I screamed back

I turned back to face Jason who had gotten up. He rushed towards me swinging his arms towards my face

I managed to dodge most of then but then one connected, pushing me back slightly

I felt my face and the stinging sensation that came from it was enough to push me on.

I audibly growled and dodged one more of his punches only to upper cut his stomach, knocking the wind out.

He collapsed to the floor to catch his breath.

He looked at me with fire in his eyes and lunged at me again

It took me by surprise, how quickly he moved. I couldn't react in time

He brought me to the ground, swinging left and right relentlessly again. Hitting me in the face and chest.

I couldn't move my arms to defend myself and I could see things start to become blurry.

Suddenly wilbur rushed towards Jason attempting to help but Jason simply punched him away knocking Wilbur off of his feet and onto the ground

Tommy stayed back, helping Tubbo to his feet and saying something to him.

Jason brought his attention back to me he lifted his arms to bring a heavy blow to me but just before he could he was knocked off of me, by a hefty blow from Wayne.

He offered me a hand whilst Jason was moved, and helped me up "I can handle him... you should go" wayne whispered as he brought me to my feet

"I can't let you fight him alone" I replied

"YOU CAN AND YOU WILL!" Wayne screamed
Showing me a side of him I'd never seen

It was scary, it was terrifying, it was uncharacteristic

Jason got up and looked at us

"You two are despicable" he spat rubbing towards us

Wayne met him half way dodging his first fist and swinging at Jason hitting him straight in the face, he quickly ran behind Jason to put him in a chokehold

"GO! TAKE TUBBO AND GO!" He shouted

I couldn't fight back any longer, I rushed to Tubbo taking him from Tommy and holding him bridal style whilst Tommy ran to check on Wilbur

We fled the scene and caught our breath

"What- the- fuck!" Tommy exclaimed

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